Anfeidrol fawr yn ninas Duw

1,2,3,4,5;  1,2,3,5,6.
(Salm xlviii, 1-3,9,11,10,14 - Duw yn glodfawr yn Sion)
Anfeidrol fawr yn ninas Duw,
  A chlodfawr yw yr Arglwydd;
A'i hoff breswylfa hefyd sydd
  Ym mynydd ei sancteiddrwydd.

Gwir degwch bro, llawenydd gwlad,
  Yn wastad, ydyw Sïon;
Ym mh'lasau hon adwaenir ef
  Yn noddfa gref i'w meibion.

'Nawr wedi dod i'th demel glyd,
  Oddiwrth y byd a'i bethau;
Disgwyliwn, Arglwydd, am dy hedd,
  A'th ryfedd drugareddau.

O llawen fyddo Sïon fryn,
  A'i phlant yn hyfryd ganu,
I ti am garu dynion caeth,
  A'r Gwr a ddaeth i'n prynu.

Dy enw aeth trwy'r byd i gyd,
  Trwy'r byd o hyd y'th foler;
A'th ddeheu law, un nerthol iawn,
  Sydd gyflawn o gyfiawnder.

Y Duw hwn byth fydd Dduw i ni,
  Ond credu'n ddilys ynddo;
Ein tywys wna hyd angau'n wir,
  A'r nefol dir
      gawn ganddo.
Ym mh'lasau :: Yn nhemlau
A'th ryfedd :: Dy gariad, a'th

Cas. Daniel Rees 1831, 1837.

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Psalm 48: 1-3,9,11,10,14 - God praiseworthy in Zion)
Immeasurably great in the city of God,
  And praiseworthy is the Lord;
And his favourite dwelling place also is
  On the mountain of his holiness.

A vale of true fairness, a land of joy,
  Constantly, is Zion;
In these palaces he is to be recognized
  As a strong refuge for her sons.

Now having come to thy secure temple,
  Away from the world and its things;
We wait, Lord, for thy peace,
  And thy wonderful mercies.

O, joyful shall be Zion hill,
  And her children delightfully singing,
To thee for loving captive men,
  And the Man who came to redeem them.

Thy name went through all the world,
  Through the world still be thou praised;
And thy right hand, one very strong,
  Is full of righteousness.

This God shall ever be God to us,
  But believe unfailingly in him;
Lead us he shall as far as death truly,
  And the heavenly land
      we shall get by him.
In ... palaces :: In ... temples
And thy wonderful :: Thy love, and thy

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

 1 The Lord, the only God, is great,
     and greatly to be praised
   In Zion on whose happy mount
     his sacred throne is raised.

 2 Her tow'rs, the joy of all the earth,
     with beauteous prospect rise,
   On her north side th' mighty King's
     imperial city lies.

 3 God in her palaces is known;
     his presence is her guard:
 4 Confed'rate kings withdrew their siege,
     and success despaired.

 9 Not in our fortresses and walls
     did we, O God confide;
   But on the temple fixed our hopes,
     in which thou dost reside.

11 Let Zion's mount with joy resound,
     her daughters all be taught
   In songs his judgments to extol,
     Who this deliv'rance wrought.

10 According to thy sov'reign Name,
     thy praise through earth extends;
   Thy pow'rful arm, as justice guides,
     chastises or defends.

14 This God is ours, and will be ours,
      while we in him confide;
   Who, as he has
       preserved us now,
     till death will be our guide.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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