Anfeidrol felus/felys yw dy hedd

1,(2,3),4,5;  1,4,6,7.
("Cariad sydd gryf fel angeu.")
Anfeidrol felus yw dy hedd,
A chryf yw'th gariad fel y bedd:
  Lle ceri di,
      'does dŵr na thân,
  Nac unrhyw rwystr saif o'th flaen.

Dy gariad neidiodd uwchder mawr,
O faith eithafedd
    nef i lawr;
  Fe lamodd dros fynyddau maith, -
  Ni all'sai dim ei attal chwaith.

Mae'n lleibio'r dŵr,
    mae'n diffodd tân,
Mae'n difa'r cwbl oll o'i flaen;
  Y mae yn cario yn ei wedd,
  Ryw beth ag sydd yn concro'r bedd.

Rhyw fflam angerddol, gadarn, gref,
O fewn i'm hysbryd ydyw ef;
  Gwreichionen yw, mawr iawn ei rhin,
  O'r fflamau sy'_ynot ti dy hun.

Mae'th gariad gwerthfawrocaf drud
Yn fwyd, yn ddiod, i mi o hyd;
  Mae'n heddwch a llawenydd llawn,
  Mae'n bobpeth imi
      fore_a nawn.

Ac er nad ydwyf fi ond gwan,
Ar ei adenydd âf i'r lan;
  Neu huno mewn awelon pur,
  A rhoi ffarwel i'r anial dir.

Anghofio'm cnawd, anghofio'r byd,
Anghofio'm holl deganau_i gyd;
  Ac wrth fyfyrio ar dy hedd,
  Anghofio angeu glas a'r bedd.
ceri di :: carost ti

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angelus (1657 Heilige Seelenlust)
Hesperus (H Baker 1835-1910)
Illsley (John Bishop 1665-1737)
Lancaster (<1868)
Lewton (<1811)
Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)
Mamre (George Frederick Handel 1685-1759)
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Nantglyn (<1875)
Sebastian (Daniel Vetter)
Winchester (Bartholomäus Crasselius 1667-1724)

("Love which is as strong as death.")
Immeasurably sweet is thy peace,
And as strong is thy love as the grave:
  Where thou dost love,
      neither water nor fire,
  Nor any obstacle, stands before thee.

Thy love leapt a great height,
In extent from the extremity
    of heaven to earth;
  It sprang over vast mountains, -
  Nothing could hinder it either.

It swallows the water,
    it extinguishes fire,
It destroys completely all before it;
  It carries in its countenance,
  Something which conquers the grave.

Some undying, firm, strong flame,
Within my spirit it is;
  A spark it is, very great its virtue,
  Of the flame which is in thee thyself.

Thy love is most valuable, dear,
As food, as drink, to me always,
  It is full joy and peace,
  It is everything to me,
      morning and evening.

And although I am only weak,
On his wings I will go up;
  Or sleep in pure breezes,
  And bid farewell to the desert land.

To forget my flesh, forget the world,
Forget all my trinkets altogether;
  And by meditating on thy peace,
  Forget dire death and the grave.

tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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