Anfeidrol Iôr ein Tad ni oll

Father of me and all mankind

Anfeidrol Iôr ein Tad ni oll,
  Trigolion nef a llawr;
Doed y gre'digaeth yn gyttûn
  I ganmol d'enw mawr.

Dy wîr adnabod a'th fwynhau
  Yw'n brain gorucha' ni;
Gan roi addoliad pûr ddibaid
  I'r sanctaidd un Duw Tri.

O dod dy deyrnas nefol wiw
  I galon pob rhyw ddyn:
Meddiana, O Geidwad dynol-ryw
  Rhai brynaist ti dy hun!

Cyfiawnder, hedd, llawenydd pûr
  Ymdaeno ar lêd trwy'r byd;
A llewyrch gras
    d'efengyl wîr
  Oleuo'r dda'r i gyd.

Cyflawna d'addewidion mawr
  Doed rhai'n ar frŷs i ben;
Teyrnasa'n llwyr dros ddaear lawr
  Dy gyfiawn hawl, Amen.
cyf. Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

[Mesur: MC 8686]

Infinite Lord the Father of us all,
  Inhabitants of heaven and earth;
May the creation come in agreement
  To extol thy great name.

Truly to know thee and enjoy thee
  Is our supreme privilege;
While giving pure, unceasing worship
  To the holy one God of Three.

O may thy worthy heavenly kingdom come
  To the heart of every kind of man:
Possess, O Saviour of human-kind
  Those thou thyself hast redeemed!

Righteousness, peace, pure joy
  Spread abroad throughout the world;
And the radiance of the grace
    of thy true gospel
  Enlighten all the earth!

Fulfill thy great promises
  May they come quickly to pass;
Completely over earth below may
  Thy righteous claim reign, Amen.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
Father of me, and all mankind,
  And all the hosts above,
Let every understanding mind
  Unite to praise Thy love.

To know Thy nature, and Thy name,
  One God in Persons three;
And glorify the great I AM,
  Through all eternity.

Thy kingdom come, with power and grace,
  To every heart of man;
Thy peace, and joy, and righteousness,
  In all our bosoms reign.

The righteousness that never ends,
  But makes an end of sin,
The joy that human thought transcends
  Into our souls bring in:

The kingdom of established peace,
  Which can no more remove;
The perfect power of godliness,
  The omnipotence of love.

Judge of thine anti-Christian foe,
  Appear on earth again,
And then Thy thousand years below
  Before thine ancients reign.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Harington (Henry Harington 1727-1816)
Irish (S Powell's Collection 1749)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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