Anfeidrol wyt fy Nuw

(Prydnawnol Weddi - Cwincwagesima)
  Anfeidrol wyt, fy Nuw,
    Anfeidrol yw dy ras,
  A thyma'r man y mae
    'M dedwyddwch mwyaf maes:
Anghyfnewidiol yw Efe,
Am hyn fe'm dwg
      i deyrnas ne'.

  Mae genyf oll yn oll
    Wrth 'n unig dy fwynhau,
  Y fan b'ost Di dy Hun
    'Does eisieu dyn na dau;
Dy hyfryd ras a'm lleinw i gyd
Heb ran yn wag o'm henaid drud.

  Fy nymuniadau i gyd
    Sy'n cael atebiad llawn,
  A'm holl serchiadau i 'nghyd,
    Hyfrydwch nefol iawn:
Pan byddwy'n gwel'd wrth oleu'r wawr,
Mai eiddo im' yw f'Arglwydd mawr.
William Matthew Williams 1885-1972

[Mesur: 666688]

gwelir: Fy Iesu yw fy Nuw

(Evening Prayer - Quinquagesima)
  Infinite art thou, my God,
    Infinite is thy grace,
  And here is the place where
    My greatest happiness is:
Unchangeable is he,
Therefore he will bring me
      to the kingdom of heaven.

  If have all in all
    Only by enjoying thee,
  The place thou thyself wast
    There is no need of man nor two;
Thy delightful grace shall fill me wholly
Without an empty part of my precious soul.

  All my desires
    Are getting a full response,
  And all my affections altogether
    Very heavenly delight:
When I am seeing by the light of the dawn,
That my own is my great Lord.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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