Anfeidrol yw dy allu mawr

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,4,5.
(Hollalluogrwydd Duw)
Anfeidrol yw dy allu mawr,
Ti Grewr nefoedd wèn a llawr;
  Trwy ddweyd y gair
      daeth myrdd i fod,
  I rwydd fynegi'th gyfiawn glod.

Myrdd, myrdd o fydoedd
    mwy na rhi',
Babellant mewn ehangder fry,
  A'r dirfawr lu,
      annhraethol faich,
  Gynnalia'n hawdd dy nerthol fraich.

Y gwynt a'r môr a ro'nt it' barch,
Gan ymlonyddu wrth dy arch;
  A'r mellt
      sy'n peri braw a chur,
  A ant ffordd trefno'th gynghor pur.

O ym'lau'r byd
    hyd drigle sêr,
O'r eigion mawr
    hyd orsedd Nêr,
  Iaith eglur pob creadur yw,
  Mai Hollalluog ydw Duw.

Y fraich sy'n dal
    sylfeini'r byd,
A maith golofnau'r nef i gyd,
  Yn estyngedig heddyw sydd
  O blaid y tlawd o 'chydig ffydd.

Gwaith ofer fydd i uffern mwy,
I roi merch Seion
    dan ei chlwy';
  I'r lan â hon i'w chartref fry,
  Hollalluogrwydd sydd o'i thu.
Grewr :: Greuwr
O ym'lau :: O eitha
o 'chydig ffydd :: sy'n meddu ffydd

Casgliad o Hymnau (J Harris) 1824

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Derby (<1811)
Magdalene (<1824)
Paul's (<1824)

(The Omnipotence of God)
Immeasurable is thy great power,
Thou Creator of bright heaven and earth;
  Through saying the word
      came a myriad into being,
  To readily express thy rightful praise.

A myriad, a myriad of worlds
    greater than number,
Camp in expansiveness above,
  And the enormous host,
      an inexpressible load,
  Thy strong arm upholds easily.

The wind and the sea render to thee honour,
By calming at thy command;
  And the lightning
      which causes terror and pain,
  Goes the way thy pure counsel arranges.

From the sides of the world
    to the dwelling place of stars
From the great ocean
    to the throne of the Lord,
  The clear language of every creature is,
  That Almighty is God.

The arm that holds
    the foundations of the world,
And all the vast columns of heaven,
  Is stretched today
  On behalf of the poor of little faith.

A vain work it is for hell any more,
To put the daughter of Sion
    under her wound;
  Up with this one to her home above,
  Omnipotence is on her side.
From the sides :: From the extremity
of little faith :: who lack faith

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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