Anfeidrol yw santeiddrwydd Iôr

(Santeiddrwydd Duw)
Anfeidrol yw santeiddrwydd Iôr,
  A'r dorf seraphaidd fawr
Heb daw a lefant, "Sant! Sant! Sant!
  Yw Arglwydd nef a llawr."

Yn ngwydd yr haul
    nid goleu yw
  Maith oleuadau'r nef,
Eu llewyrch gwan a lyncir oll
  Gan ei ddyscleirdeb ef.

A'r nefoedd fry yn ngolwg Duw,
  Nid glân mo honynt dim;
Gorchuddir en dyscleirdeb mawr
  Gan burdeb Iôr fy ngrym.

Ei enw clodfawr santaidd yw,
  A santaidd iawn ei waith;
Ac mewn santeiddrwydd molir ef,
  I dragwyddoldeb maith.

Santeiddrwydd weddai byth i'w dŷ,
  Lle ceir ysbrydol wedd,
Ac heb santeiddrwydd ni cheir gwel'd
  Ei wyneb pur mewn hedd.
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

Tonau [MC 8686]:
George's (<1835)
Sprague (J Smith)
Staughton (<1845)

(The Holiness of God)
Infinite is the holy Lord,
  And the crowd of great seraphim
Without exception cry, "Holy! Holy! Holy!
  Is the Sovereign of heaven and earth."

In the countenance of the sun
    there is no light
  As great as the lights of heaven,
Its weak gleam is all swallowed
  By his radiance.

And the heavens above in God's sight,
  Are not clean at all;
To be hidden is their great radiance
  By the purity of the Lord of my strength.

His praiseworthy name is holy,
  And very holy his work;
And in holiness he is to be praised
  For a vast eternity.

Holiness befits forever thy house,
  Where a spiritual countenance is to be had,
And without holiness cannot be seen
  His pure face in peace.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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