Angelion gadd wybod peth guddiwyd o hyd

(Doethineb Duw)
Angelion gadd wybod
    peth guddiwyd o hyd,
Dirgelion doethineb
    cyn seiliad y byd;
  Maent o'r drugareddfa
      yn edrych i lawr,
  I'r arch, i gael gweled
      dirgelion mor fawr.

I ninnau, plant Adda,
    fe dynwyd y llen,
I weled digelion
    hen arfaeth y nen;
  Cael nofio yn moroedd
      doethineb ein Duw,
  I'w caru, a'u credu,
      a'u caru, tr'om byw.

O ryfedd ddirgelion,
    anfeidrol eu rhyw,
Ddyfeisiodd, ddatguddiodd
    doethineb fy Nuw!
  Ni fydd tragwyddoldeb
      ddim gormod ei hun,
I chwilio dyfnderoedd
      y drefn gadw ddyn.
William Williams 1717-91


    Fe'm llyngcwyd i fyny mewn syndod i gyd
    O henffych dirgelion anfeidrol eu rhyw

(The Wisdom of God)
Angels got to know
    something hidden all along,
Secrets of wisdom
    before the foundation of the world;
  They were from the mercy-place
      looking down,
  To the ark, to get to see
      secrets so great.

To us, the children of Adam,
    the curtain was pulled back,
To see the secrets
    of the old purpose of heaven;
  To get to swim in the seas
      of the wisdom of our God,
  To love love them, and believe them,
      to love them, while ever we live.

Oh, wonderful secrets,
    immeasurable their kind,
They devised, they revealed
    the wisdom of my God!
  Eternity will not be
      sufficient itself,
  To search the depths
      of the plan of saving man.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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