Angylion disglair rif y sêr

(Sant Mihangel a'r Holl Angylion)
Angylion disglair rif y sêr,
  Amgylchant orsedd nef,
Gan ddydd a nos foliannu Nêr,
  A'i wasanaethu Ef.

Castellant hefyd, nos a dydd,
  O gylch rhai bychain Duw,
Gan warchod etifeddion ffydd,
  A'u nerthu iddo i fyw.

I'r cyfiawn niwed byth ni ddaw
  Ar ffordd yr anial maith;
Fe symud gwersyll Duw gerllaw
  I'w gadw ar ei daith.

Dyrchafwn, gydag engyl nef,
  Ein mawl parhaus i Dduw;
Fel hwythau, gwasanaethwn Ef
  Tra byddom yma'n byw.

Y llen sydd rhyngom,
    tynnir hon,
  A buan cawn ynghyd
Foliannu Duw â lleisiau llon
  Mewn rhyw ddedwyddach byd.
Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-95

Tôn [MC 8686]: Abridge (Isaac Smith 1734-1805)

(Saint Michael and All Angels)
Shining angels numerous as the stars,
  Surround the throne of heaven,
By day and night they praise the Lord,
  And serve Him.

They also build a castle, night and day,
  Around the small ones of God,
While guarding the heirs of faith,
  And strengthening them to live for him.

To the righteous harm shall never come
  On the road of the vast desert;
The camp of God moves nearby
  To keep him on his journey.

Let us raise, with the angels of heaven,
  Our constant praise to God;
Like them, let us serve Him
  While ever we are living here.

The curtain that is between us,
    this is to be pulled away,
  And soon we may together
Praise God with cheerful voices
  In some happier world.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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