Ar aur-delynau'r nef, Bydd seinio uchel lef, Heb ball, na phoen; Yr anthem felys faith, Fydd am achubol daith, A phur rinweddol waith, Yr addfwyn Oen. Pan ddelo'r saint yn nghyd, Uwch poen a maglau'r byd, Yn groyw eu cān - Caniadau am ei loes, A rhinwedd llawn ei groes, Fydd hyd drag'wyddol oes, Yn Salem lān. I'r nefol byrth ni ddaw Nac ofn, na phoen, na braw, Na phecod cas; Pwy na hiraethai'n wir Am rodio'r sanctaidd dir, Ac yfed dyfroedd clir Ei ryfedd ras?Thomas Jones 1756-1820
Tonau [6646664]: gwelir: Mae heddyw felys wledd Pan ddelo'r saint yn nghyd |
On the golden harps of heaven, Shall be sounding a loud voice, Without fading, or pain; The extensive, sweet anthem, Which shall be about a saving journey, And the pure, virtuous work, Of the gentle Lamb. When the saints come together, Above the pain and the snares of the world, Clear their song - Songs about his anguish, And the full merit of his cross, Which shall an eternal age long, In holy Salem. To the heavenly portals we shall come Without fear, or pain, or terror, Nor hated sin; Who would not truly long To walk the holy land, And drink the clear waters Of his amazing grace?tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |