Ar dy enw mae'r cenhedloedd

(Hyder ffydd ar yr addewid)
Ar dy enw mae'r cenhedloedd,
  Yn nherfynau eitha'r byd,
Yn rhoi goglud, gan ddymuno
  Gweled tegwch d'wyneb-pryd:
Mae dy eiriau oll yn gywir,
  Llwon mawrion ydynt hwy;
I'th sancteiddrwydd glân y tyngaist,
  'Allsit dyngu
      i ddim oedd fwy.

Bellach minnau'n ëon deuaf,
  Mi ymgrymmaf wrth dy dra'd,
Ac erfyniaf am drysorau
  Wedi'u haddaw oll yn rhad:
Rhyw drysorau heb eu mesur,
  Rhyw drysorau heb ddim trai,
Rhyw ddyfnderoedd heb ddim gwaelod,
  Yn dy addewidion mae.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787D]: Llangan (<1869)

gwelir: Rhyw drysorau heb eu mesur

(The confidence of faith in the promises)
At thy name the nations, at the
  Furthest bounds of the world, are
Putting trust, while wishing
  To see the fairness of thy countenance:
All thy words are true,
  Great oaths are they;
By thy holy sacredness thou didst swear,
  Thou couldst not swear
      by anything that was greater.

Henceforth even I shall come boldly,
  I shall bow at thy feet,
And I shall petition for treasures
  All promised freely:
Some treasures without measure,
  Some treasures without any ebbing,
Some depths without any bottom,
  Are in thy promises.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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