Ar edyn ffydd c'od f'enaid uwch y byd

(Ffydd yn arolygu y Nef)
Ar edyn ffydd,
    c'od, f'enaid, uwch y byd,
A gwel y gyfran
    yn y nefoedd glyd!
  Nis traetha tafod fyth
      y mwyniant pêr
  Sydd yn yr ardal lòn
      uwch haul a sêr;
Lle mae fy Mrynwr trud
    mewn gwir ogoniant,
Uwch uffern ddû a'r bedd,
    yn cael y moliant.

I'r ardal hon ni ddaw
    na braw na phoen,
Na gelyn mwy i ŵydd
    yr addfwyn Oen;
  Na thristwch prudd,
      nac ofn o un rhyw;
  Pob deigryn hallt
      a sychir ffwrdd gan Dduw,
Lle mae fy Mrynwr trud

O flaen y fainc
    rhed afon ddisglaer gu,
A gwyrdd-der haf
    byth ar ei glànau sy;
  A brigau Dwyfol
      Pren y Bywyd pur
  Gysgoda holl
      drigolion nefol dir,
Lle mae fy Mrynwr trud

Ni ddengys haul
    ei ddifudd oleu wawr,
A goleu gwàn y lloer
    'does eisiau 'nawr;
  Tywyna'r Duwdod
      yma lewyrch mwy,
  Mewn hawddfyd hir,
      heb elyn byth na chlwy',
Lle mae fy Mrynwr trud

Un olwg hoff
    a leinw'm henaid gwàn! -
Iesu! pa bryd
    y caf di imi'n rhan! -
  Pa bryd caf dirio
      i fy nghartref gwiw,
  A gado'r ddaear hon
      a dechreu byw,
Lle mae fy Mrynwr trud
    mewn gwir ogoniant,
Uwch uffern ddû a'r bedd,
    yn cael y moliant?
cyf. John Ryland Harris (Ieuan Ddu o Lan Tawy) 1802-23
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

Tonau []:
Cheriton (<1845)
Old Fiftieth (The Whole Book of Psalmes 1562)

gwelir: Trwy Ddinas Duw rhêd afon ddisglaer gu

(Faith surveying Heaven)
On the wings of faith,
    rise, my soul, above the world,
And see the whole
   in secure heaven!
  No tongue shall ever expound
      the sweet enjoyment
  That is in the cheerful region
      above sun and stars;
Where my precious Redeemer is
    in true glory,
Above black hell and the grave,
    getting the praise.

To that region shall come
    neither terror nor pain,
Nor any enemy any more into the presence
    of the dear Lamb;
  Nor sad sorrow
      nor fear of any kind;
  Every salt tear
      shall be dried away by God,
Where my precious Redeemer is

Before the throne
    runs a dear shining river,
And the verdancy of summer
    is forever on its banks;
  And the twigs of the pure
      Divine Tree of Life
  Shades all the inhabitants
      of heavenly land,
Where my precious Redeemer is

The sun shall not show
    its dim light of dawn,
And of the weak light of the moon
    there is no need now;
  The radiance of the Godhead
      shall shine here evermore,
  In long blessedness
      with never any enemy or wound,
Where my precious Redeemer is

One delightful view
    shall fill my weak soul! -
Jesus, when shall
    I get thee as my portion? -
  When shall I land
      at my worthy home,
  And leave this earth
      and begin to live,
Where my precious Redeemer is
    in true glory,
Above black hell and the grave,
    getting the praise?
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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