Ar fyr fe dderfydd galar

(Diwedd gofidiau)
Ar fyr fe dderfydd galar,
  Caethiwed, cur, a phoen;
Daw Jubili dragwyddol
  I bawb sy'n caru'r Oen:
Mae eto'n ol orphwysfa, 
  O gylch yr orsedd lân,
I blant y gorthrymderau
  I seinio nefol gan.

Ac os yr annheilyngaf
  Yn mysg y dyrfa lân,
Fydd byth a'i fawl bereiddiaf -
  A gyfyd uwchaf gan;
A ddichon y bydd rhywun
  O fewn Caersalem fry,
A chwery danau'r delyn
  I'r Oen yn well na mi?

O'r diwedd daeth y bore,
  Sef dydd i lawenhau;
Daeth nefoedd at y ddaear -
  Daeth Iesu i'n rhyddhau
Mae wedi agor llwybr
  O'r ddaear hyd y nen,
A drysau'r wir Baradwys
  Agorodd led y pen.
1-2: Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (Samuel Roberts) 1841
3 : Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tonau [7676D]:
Penygraig (Hugh Jones, Caernarfon.)
St Simon (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

(The end of griefs)
Shortly shall end mourning,
  Captivity, ache and pain;
An eternal Jubilee shall come
  For everyone who loves the Lamb:
A rest still remains,
  Around the holy throne,
For the children of the tribulations
  To sound a heavenly song.

And if the most unworthy
  Amongst the the holy throng,
Shall have his sweetest praise -
  And raise the loudest song;
Shall someone possibly
  Within Jerusalem above,
Play the strings of the harp
  To the Lamb better than me?

Eventually the morning came,
  That is the day to rejoice;
Heaven came to earth -
  Jesus came to set us free
A path he has opened
  From earth as far as the sky,
And the doors of the true Paradise
  He opened wide.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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