Ar Galfari fryn

(Y Ffynon ar y Bryn)
  Ar Galfari fryn
  Agorwyd cyn hyn
Ryw ffynnon ryfeddol ei rhin;
  Hi hollol lanhâ
  Aflendid a phla,
Hi gàna yr Ethiop yn wỳn.

  Y gwan mae'n cryfhau,
  Er cymmaint ei fai,
I sefyll wrth Sinai'n ddi gryn;
  Mae'n symmud â'i hedd
  Braw, angau, a'r bedd,
A'u hofnau heb adael yr un.
David Charles 1762-1834

[Mesur: 558D]

gwelir: Ar groesbren brydnawn

(The Fount on the Hill)
  On Calvary hill
  Open before this was
Some fount of wonderful merit;
  It completely cleanses
  Uncleanness and plague,
It bleaches the Ethiopian white.

  The weak it is strengthening,
  Despite how great his fault,
To stand by Sinai without trembling;
  It removes with its peace
  Fear, death and the grave,
And its fears without leaving one.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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