Ar grasdir crindir cras, Disgynodd gras ein Duw, Yn loew ffrwd, afonydd ddaeth, Mewn anial gwaetha'i ryw; Maddeuant rhyfedd rhad. I'r gwaetha' gaed îs nen, Yr hwn a gredo yn yr Iawn Fu un prydnawn ar bren. O, boed maddeuant rhad Yn hyfryd waed yr Oen, Yn destyn moliant yn mhob man, I mi sydd dan fy mhoen: Yr anthem faith ei hyd Fo'i gyd am Galfari, A'r iachawdwriaeth fawr ei dawn, Ddaeth un prydnawn i ni. A doed breninoedd byd Yn unfryd ato Ef; A rhoddant eu coronau lawr O flaen ei orsedd gref; Ei enw ledled sydd, A'i glod Ef fydd uwchlaw Y cwbl ag sy' yma i gyd, Ac yn y byd a ddaW. A doed :: Deued
Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
gwelir: |
On dry, baked, parched land, Descended the grace of our God, As a bright stream, rivers which came, In a desert of the worst kind; Forgiveness amazingly free. For the worst found under heaven, The one who believes in the Atonement Which was one afternoon on the tree. O, let free forgiveness In the delightful blood of the Lamb, Be a theme of praise in every place, To me who am under my pain: The anthem of great extent Be all about Calvary, And the salvation of great gift, Which came one afternoon to us. And let the kingdoms of the world come Unanimously to Him; And put their crowns down Before his strong throne; His name is widespread, And His praise is above All that are here altogether, And in the world to come. And let ... come :: Let ... come tr. 2010,22 Richard B Gillion |