Ar làn Iorddonen ddofn
Ar lan'r Iorddonen ddofn

(Glan Iorddonen)
Ar lan'r Iorddonen ddofn,
  'R wy'n oedi'n nychlyd,
Mewn blys mynd trwy, ac ofn
  Ei stormydd enbyd:
O! na bai modd i mi
Osgoi ei hymchwydd hi,
A hedfan uwch ei lli
  I'r Ganaan hyfryd.

Wrth gofio grym y dŵr,
  A'i thonnog genlli
A'r mynych rymus ŵr
  A suddodd ynddi,
Mae braw ar f'enaid gwan
Mai boddi fydd fy rhan,
Cyn cyrraedd tawl lan
  Bro y goleuni.

Ond pan wy'n gweled draw
  Ar fynydd Seion,
Yn iach, heb boen na braw,
  Fy hen gyfeillion,
Paham yr ofnaf mwy?
Y Duw a'u daliodd hwy
A'm dyga innau drwy
  Ei dyfroedd dyfnion.
lan'r Iorddonen :: lan Iorddonen
modd :: fodd
Osgoi :: Ysgoi
Wrth gofio grym y dŷr ::          
            Pan gofiwyf rym ei dwfr
wy'n gweled :: y gwelwyf
Paham yr ofnaf :: Pa'm 'r ofna'm henaid
dyga innau drwy :: cynnal innau trwy

Evan Evans (Ieuan Glan Geirionydd) 1795-1855

efallai efelychiad o
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
Samuel Stennett 1727-95

Tonau [6565.6665]:
Capel Tygwydd (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
Glan 'r Iorddonen (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Hermon (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Moab (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
  Spaen/Yspaen (<1852)
  [d|dttl|tdr] (Lewis Jones Roberts 1866-1931)

(Jordan's Bank)
On the bank of the deep Jordan,
  I am delaying feebly,
In longing to go through, and fear
  Of its dangerous storms:
Oh for some way for me
To avoid its surge
And fly above its flood
  To the lovely Canaan!

Remembering the force of the water,
  And its billowing torrent
And the frequent strong man
  Who sank in it,
My weak soul is alarmed
That my part will be to drown,
Before reaching the peaceful shore
  Of the land of light.

But when I see yonder
  On mount Zion,
Sound, without affliction or alarm,
  My old friends,
Then why will I fear any more?
The God who kept them
Will also lead me through
  Its deep waters.
banks of the ... Jordan :: banks of ... Jordan
Remembering the force of the water ::          
          When I remember the force of its water
why will I fear :: why will my soul fear
lead me through :: support me through

tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

Deep Jordan's strand I tread,
  Delaying ever;
I long to cross, yet dread
  The rushing river;
Oh! had I wings, then I
Its tide above would fly,
To Canaan's rest on high
  Unto my Saviour.

But when in watery grave,
  'Neath surging billow,
I see how pilgrims brave
  have sunk in sorrow,
Fear fills my throbbing breast,
And doubt o'erwhelms me, lest
I fail to reach my rest-
  Heaven's peaceful morrow!

But when afar I see,
  In Zion city,
Old friends from sorrow free,
  In kingly beauty -
Ah, then, I fear no more:
The God who them upbore,
Will guide me to yon shore,
  Safe, safe to glory.

tr. Gethin Davies 1846-1896

Tune [6565.6665]:
  [d|dttl|tdr] (Lewis Jones Roberts 1866-1931)


I linger sadly near
  The stormy river;
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889


Deep Jordan's bank I tread,
  And trembling waver;
tr. William Howells 1818-88
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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