Ar lan yr afon rhodio'r wyf

(Croesi yr Afon)
Ar lan yr afon rhodio'r wyf,
  Gan geisio lle i'w chroesi;
Wrth edrych ar ei dyfnder du,
  Mae 'nghalon wan yn crynu.
Ond gwelaf Gyfaill 'r ochr draw,
  Rydd law i'r pererinion,
Fe gynorthwya'r enaid gwan,
  I'r lan o'r dyfroedd dyfnion.

Mae'r afon hon yn rhanu rhwng
  Y byd a thragwyddoldeb,
Ac mae cymylau duon, drwch,
  Yn hongian dros ei hwyneb.
Ond draw mi welaf lusern ffydd,
  Oleuwyd gan yr Iesu;
Ac yn ei goleu, gwelaf Graig,
  O dan fy nhraed i'w chroesi.

Nid ofnaf mwy, mae'r Iesu mawr,
  Yn gyfaill yn y tonau;
Tan yma croesodd Abel gynt,
  Ac yma croesaf inau:
Fe ganodd miloedd yn y llif,
  Wrth deimlo Iesu yno;
O! Arglwydd Iesu, derbyn fi
  I'th freichau 'rwy'n anturio.
James Spinther James (Spinther) 1837-1914

Tôn [MSD 8787D]: Glanwydden (J H Roberts 1848-1924)

(Crossing the Jordan)
On the banks of the Jordan I am roaming,
  Looking for a place to cross it;
While looking on its black depth,
  My weak heart is trembling.
But I see a Friend on yonder side,
  Who gives his hand to the pilgrims,
He will help my weak soul,
  Up from the deep waters.

This river makes a parting between
  The world and eternity,
And there are thick, black clouds,
  Hanging over its face.
But yonder I see the lantern of faith,
  Lit by Jesus;
And in its light, I see a Rock,
  Under my feet to cross it.

I will fear no more, great Jesus is
  A friend in the waves;
Here crossed Abel of old,
  And here I too shall cross:
Thousands sang in the flood,
  On feeling Jesus there;
O Lord Jesus, receive me!
  Into thy arms I am venturing.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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