Ar y groes dyrchafwyd Iesu, Fel y sarph ar drostan hir; Ac fe dỳn aneirif luoedd Ato'i Hun ar fôr a thir: Byth ni chollir Neb a gredo ynddo Ef. Marw wnaeth y gronyn gwenith, A thoreithiog fydd ei ffrwyth; Rhàna'r ysbail gyda'r cedyrn, I'w elynion tâl y pwyth; Ni wêl Satan Un o ddefaid Crist yn ôl. Fe gaiff Iesu fyrdd o ddeiliaid O bob cenedl îs y nef; At Ei draed yn ufudd deuant, Hâd a'i gwasanaethant Ef; Bydd eu nifer Fel y gwlith o groth y wawr. ar fôr a thir :: o for a thir
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845
Tonau [878747]: |
On the cross Jesus was lifted up, Like the serpent on a long staff; And he will draw innumerable hosts To Himself on sea and land: Never to be lost is Anyone who believes in Him. Die did the grain of wheat, And plentiful shall be its fruit; He will divide the spoils with the strong, For his enemies he will pay the amends; Satan shall not see Any of Christ's sheep left behind. Jesus shall get a myriad of vassals From every nation under heaven; To His feet obediently they shall come, Seed that shall serve Him; Their number shall be Like the dew from the womb of the dawn. on sea and land :: from sea and land tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |