Arglwydd cofia'r fron glwyfedig

(Trugaredd a Hedd)
Arglwydd, cofia'r fron glwyfedig
  Sydd â'i brwydrau'n chwerw iawn;
Rho Dy law i'r gwan blinedig,
  Dangos feddyginiaeth lawn:
Dy drugaredd, Arglwydd mawr,
Ffyddo'n hedd i ni yn awr.

Cadw'n calon rhag amheuaeth,
  A chryfha yr egwan ffydd, -
Dangos ini'r iachawdwriaeth
  Dry y nos yn oleu ddydd:
Dy drugaredd, Arglwydd mawr,
Fyddo'n hedd i ni yn awr.

Llanw'n hysbryd â'th ddiddanwch,
  I'w dawelu dan y groes;
Arwain ni i'r pur hyfrydwch
  Sydd yn ddyfnach na phob loes:
Dy drugaredd, Arglwydd mawr,
Ffyddo'n hedd i ni yn awr.
Ben Davies 1864-1937

Tôn [878777]: Cassel (J Thommen)

(Mercy and Peace)
Lord, remember the wounded breast
  Which has its very bitter battles;
Give Thy hand to the weak exhausted one,
  Show full medical treatment:
Thy mercy, great Lord,
Will be peace to us now.

Keep our heart from doubt,
  And strengthen the weak faith, -
Show us salvation
  That turns night into the light of day:
Thy mercy, great Lord,
Will be peace to us now.

Flood the spirit with thy comfort,
  To quieten it under thy cross;
Lead us to the pure delight
  That is deeper than every anguish:
Thy mercy, great Lord,
Will be peace to us now.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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