Arglwydd Dduw teuluoedd Israel

(Cofia'n Teuluoedd)
Arglwydd Dduw teuluoedd Israel,
  rho i ninnau'r fendith fawr
a goleua'n holl drigfannau
  â goleuni'r nefol wawr:
    O llewyrched
golau'r nef drwy
      dir ein gwlad.

Dyro fwynder ar yr aelwyd,
  purdeb a ffyddlondeb llawn,
adfer yno'r sanctaidd allor
  a fu'n llosgi'n ddisglair iawn:
    na ddiffodded
arni byth mo'r dwyfol dân.

Aed gweddïau'r saint i fyny
  hwyr a bore'n ebyrth byw,
a'u ffenestri fo'n agored
  tua Salem, dinas Duw:
    dan dy fendith
cadw'n gwlad o oes i oes.
J T Job 1867-1938

Tonau [878747]:
Islwyn (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Tangnefedd (Olive V Williams Davies 1895-1971)

(Remember our Families!)
Lord God of the families of Israel,
  Give to us the great blessing
Which lightens all our homes
  With light of the heavenly dawn:
    O may it radiate
The light of heaven through
      our country's land!

Give gentleness on the home,
  Purity and full faithfulness
Revive there the sacred altar
  Which was once burning very brightly:
    May not be extinguished
Upon it ever the divine fire.

May the prayers of the saints go up
  Evening and morning as living sacrifices,
And their windows be open
  Towards Salem, the city of God:
    Under thy blessing
Keep our land from age to age!
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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