Arglwydd drwy/trwy arweiniad Seren

Arglwydd, drwy arweiniad Seren,
  Dygaist ddoethion gynt yn nghyd,
I ymwel'd, yn ninas Bethle'm,
  A Phryniawdwr mawr y byd.
Trwy dy Yspryd arwain ninau
  At Iachawdwr dynolryw,
I offrymu moliant iddo
  Am ei gariad, tra f'om byw.

Ti yw Seren y Cenhedloedd,
  Codaist fel goleuni mawr,
Gan wasgaru'r tew dywyllwch
  Fel yr haul, pan godo'r wawr.
Dyrchwn ninau glod i'th Enw
  Am it' wneyd y caeth yn rhydd;
A chan brisio y goleuni
  Rhodiwn bawb fel plant y dydd.
Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

Tôn [8787D]: Hyfrydol (Rowland Huw Prichard 1811-87)

Lord, through the guiding of a Star,
  Thou didst lead wise men of old together,
To visit, in the city of Bethlehem,
  The great Redeemer of the world.
Through thy Spirit guide us too
  To the Saviour of humankind,
To offer praise to him
  For his love, while ever we live.

Thou art the Star of the Nations,
  Thou didst rise like a great light,
While scattering the thick darkness
  Like the sun, when the dawn rises.
Let us too raise acclaim to thy Name
  For making the captive free;
And while valuing the light
  Let us all walk as children of the day.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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