Arglwydd grasol clyw fy nghri

Arglwydd grasol clyw fy nghri,
Maddau 'meiau mawr di-ri';
Pechais yn dy erbyn di,
  Maddau imi'n awr.

Er mwyn Iesu Grist a roes
Iawn digonol ar y Groes,
Pan ddioddefodd angau loes,
  Maddau, Arglwydd mawr.

N'ad im, Arglwydd, bechu mwy;
Fy mhechodau, onid hwy,
Iesu, a roes iti glwy' -
  Ingol farwol loes?

'Rhain a'i dug o'r nefoedd wen,
'Rhain a'i cadwodd ar y Pren,
Nes gogwyddo'i sanctaidd ben
  Yno ar y Groes.

O na bawn i yn casau
Pob rhyw bechod, pob rhyw fai
Wnaeth i'r Iesu mwyn dristáu
  Yn ei enaid pur.

Dysg im, Arglwydd, mwyach fyw,
Fel na ddigiwyf Iesu gwiw;
Oni chaf dy ras, fy Nuw,
  Marwol yw fy nghur.
Eleazar Roberts 1825-1912

Tunes [7775]:
Ton-Mân (David Evans 1874-1948)
Vesper (John Stainer 1849-1901)

Gracious Lord, hear my cry,
Forgive my great, unnumbered faults;
I sinned against thee,
  Forgive me now.

For the sake of Jesus Christ who gave
A sufficient satisfaction on the Cross,
When he suffered the throes of death,
  Forgive, great Lord.

Do not let me, Lord, sin any more;
My sins, was is not they,
Jesus, that gave thy wound -
  The anguish of deathly throes?

They brought him from bright heaven,
They kept him on the Tree,
Until he bowed his sacred head
  There on the Cross.

O that I would be hating
Every kind of sin, every kind of fault
Which made dear Jesus become sad
  In his pure soul.

Teach me, Lord, henceforth to live,
So as not to anger worthy Jesus;
Unless I get thy grace, my God,
  Mortal is my stroke.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Jesu, in Thy dying woes,
Even while Thy life-blood flows,
Craving pardon for Thy foes:
  Hear us, Holy Jesu.

Jesu, all our ransom paid,
All Thy Father's will obeyed;
By Thy sufferings perfect made:
  Hear us, Holy Jesu.

Thirst for us in mercy still;
All Thy holy work fulfill:
Satisfy Thy loving will:
  Hear us, Holy Jesu.

Jesu, all Thy labour vast,
All Thy woe and conflict past;
Yielding up Thy soul at last:
  Hear us, Holy Jesu.

May we thirst Thy love to know;
Lead us in our sin and woe
Where the healing waters flow:
  Hear us, Holy Jesu.

May Thy life and death supply
Grace to live and grace to die,
Grace to reach the home on high:
  Hear us, Holy Jesu.
selected verses from
Jesus in thy dying woes
Thomas Benson Pollock 1836-96

St Medan (har. William H Monk 1823-89)
Septem Verba (Bernhard Schumacher 1886-1978)
Swedish Litany (Koralpsalmboken 1697)
The Seven Words (1866 W S Hoyte 1844-1917)
Ton-Mân (David Evans 1874-1948)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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