Arglwydd gwrando blentyn bychan

(Emyn Hwyrol)
Arglwydd, gwrando blentyn bychan
  Wrth dy orsedd yn yr hwyr,
Buost gyda mi ym mhobman
  Heddiw gyda gofal llwyr.

Rho dy adain i'm cysgodi,
  Rho dy heddwch, Iôr, i mi;
Gwna fy hun yn dawel esmwyth,
  Gad im orffwys ynot Ti.

Os caf weled bore newydd,
  Os caf ddeffro gyda'r wawr,
Ceisiaf ddiolch it, Dad Nefol,
  Am dy drugaeddau mawr.

Tôn [8787]: Stuttgart (C F Witt c.1660-1716)

(Evening Hymn)
Lord, listen to a little child
  At thy throne in the evening,
Thou hast been with me everywhere
  Today with complete care.

Set thy wing to shadow me,
  Grant thy peace, Lord, to me;
Make me myself quietly calm,
  Let me rest in Thee.

If I may get to see a new morning,
  If I may get to awaken with the dawn,
I shall seek to thank thee, Heavenly Father,
  For thy great mercies.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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