Arglwydd, gwrando'r gwan yn griddfan, Methu credu daw i'r lan, Gan mor dywyll yw y cymylau, Cloffi rhwng dau feddwl gwan; Credu'n wan ac ofni llawer, Methu d'od i Seion fryn, Ofni brâd fy holl elynion, Ofni f'hun yn fwy na dim. Weithiau yn y tywyll gymoedd, Weithiau ar ben y mynydd glâs, Weithiau'n yfed dyfroedd Mara, Weithiau'r gwin pereiddia'i flas; Weithiau'n gruddfan ac och'neidio, Weithiau'n canu'r delyn bêr, Weithiau'n isel dan y tònau, Weithiau'n cuwch a'r haul ar sêr.Dafydd William 1720-94 Tôn [8787D]: Meribah (alaw Gymreig) |
Lord, hear the weak one groaning, Failing to believe that I shall come up, Since so dark are the clouds, Limping between two weak thoughts; Believing weakly and fearing much, Failing to come to Zion hill, Fearing the treachery of all my enemies, Fearing myself more than anything. Sometimes in the dark valleys, Sometimes on top of the blue-green mountain, Sometimes drinking the waters of Marah, Sometimes the wine with a sweet taste; Sometimes groaning and sighing, Sometimes playing the sweet harp, Sometimes low under the waves, Sometimes as high as the sun and the 2016 Richard B Gillion |
Hear my grief believe I cannottr. Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953 Sweet Singers of Wales 1889 |