Arglwydd Iesu arwain f'enaid

(Craig y Oesoedd)
Arglwydd Iesu, arwain f'enaid
  At y Graig sydd uwch na mi,
Craig safadwy mewn tymhestloedd,
  Craig a ddeil yng
      ngrym y lli;
Llechu wnaf yng Nghraig yr Oesoedd,
  Deued dilyw, deued tân,
A phan chwalo'r greadigaeth,
  Craig yr Oesoedd fydd fy nghân.

Pan fo creigiau'r byd yn rhwygo
  Yn rhyferthwy'r farn a ddaw,
Stormydd creulon arna' i'n curo,
  Cedyrn fyrdd o'm cylch mewn braw;
Craig yr Oesoedd ddeil pryd hynny,
  Yn y dyfroedd, yn y tân:
Draw ar gefnfor tragwyddoldeb
  Craig yr Oesoedd fydd fy nghân.
Samuel Jonathan Griffith (Morswyn) 1850-93

Tonau [8787D]:
Aberporth (John Thomas 1839-1921)
Aneddle (Goronwy Jones)
Balducci (Arthur H Mann 1850-1929)
Minffordd (Johann Schop 1590-1664)
  Bod Alaw (William M Williams 1885-1972)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
In Memoriam (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
  Pendyrus (Mansel Thomas 1909-86)
Pennant (T Osbourne Roberts 1879-1948)
Scopas (C Hancock 1852- )

(The Rock of the Ages)
Lord Jesus, lead my soul
  To the Rock that is higher than I
Firm rock in the storms
  Rock which keeps in the
      might of the flood
I will hide in the Rock of Ages
  Come deluge, come fire,
And when the creation disintegrates
  The rock of the ages shall be my song.

When the rocks of earth are tearing
  In the storm of judgment to come
Bloody storms battering me
  Unshakeable myriads around me in terror;
The rock of the ages keeps at such a time,
  In the waters, in the fire:
There on the flood of eternity
  The rock of the ages shall be my song.
tr. 2007 Richard B Gillion
O Lord Jesus, lead me firmly
  To the rock above, secure,
In the storms of life a safeguard,
  That will tempests'
      rage endure:
Safe within this rock of ages,
  Come the flood or fire strong,
I will sing, though earth shall crumble:
  Rock of ages is my song.

When the rocks of earth are tearing
  In the judgement's raging sound,
Storms may batter and beleaguer,
  Terrors hem me in all round:
Then the rock of ages keeps me
  In the flood and fire strong;
I will sing on heaven's billows:
  Rock of ages is my song.
tr. 2007 Richard B Gillion
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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