Arglwydd Iesu gad im deimlo

Arglwydd Iesu, gad im deimlo
  Rhin anturiaeth
      fawr y groes;
Yr ufudd-dod perffaith hwnnw
  Wrth ŵynebu dyfnaf loes;
Yr arwriaeth hardd nad ofnai
  Warthrudd a dichellion byd;
O! Waredwr ieuanc gwrol,
  Llwyr feddianna Di fy mryd.

N'ad im geisio gennyt, Arglwydd,
  Fywyd llonydd a di-graith;
N'ad im ofyn am esmwythfyd
  Ar ddirwystyr dawel daith;
Dyro'n hytrach olwg newydd
  Ar dy ddewrder gloyw Di
A enynno'n fflam o foliant
  Yn fy nghalon egwan i.

N'ad im ofni'n nydd y frwydr,
  N'ad im ildio'n awr y praw;
Byth na chaffer arf ond cariad
  Hollorchfygol, yn fy llaw;
Rho im brofi o'r gorfoledd
  Sy'n anturiaeth fawr y groes,
A chael llewyrch golau'r orsedd
  Yn fy nghalon dan bob loes.
John Tywi Jones 1870-1948

Tonau [8787D]:
Alleluia Dulce Carmen (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
  Llwyn (W Matthews Williams 1885-1972)
Düsseldorf (John Roberts 1822-77)
Long Oaks (E T Davies 1878-1969)

Lord Jesus, let me feel
  The merit of the great
      adventure of the cross;
That perfect obedience
  While facing deepest anguish;
The beautiful heroism that would not fear
  The disgrace and deceptions of a world;
O Deliverer of the brave young,
  Completely possess Thou my mind.

Do not let me seek from thee, Lord,
  I life of cheerfulness and without scars;
Do not let me ask for ease
  On an unhindered quiet journey;
Grant rather a new view
  Upon Thy shining bravery
Which will kindle as a flame of praise
  In my weak heart.

Do not let me fear the day of battle,
  Do not let me yield now the trial;
No weapon but all-conquering love
  Is to be had in my hand;
Grant me to experience the joy
  That is the great adventure of the cross,
And get the shining light of the throne
  In my heart under every anguish.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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