Arglwydd Iesu llanw d'Eglwys

Arglwydd Iesu, llanw d'Eglwys
  Ā'th Lān Ysbryd di dy hun
Fel y gwasanaetho'r nefoedd
  Drwy roi'i llaw i achub dyn:
Dysg i'w llygaid allu canfod,
  Dan drueni dyn, ei fri;
Dysg i'w dwylo estyn iddo
  Win ac olew Calfari.

Llifed cariad pen Calfaria
  Drwy dy Eglwys ato ef;
A'th diriondeb di dy hunan
  Glywo'r truan yn ei llef:
Dysg hi i ofni byw yn esmwyth
  Gan anghofio'r byd
      a'i loes,
Nertha hi i dosturio wrtho
  A rhoi'i hysgwydd dan ei groes.
W Pari Huws 1853-1936
Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol Newydd 1921

Blaenwern (W Penfro Rowlands 1860-1937)
Dismissal (William L Viner 1790-1867)
In Babilone (hen alaw Iseldirol)
Lyons (1551, Sallwyr Genefa)
Moriah(alaw Gymreig)
Pennant (T Osborne Roberts 1879-1948)
Port Penrhyn (John H Roberts 1848-1924)

Lord Jesus, flood thy church
  With thine own Holy Spirit
That it serve the heavens
  Through offering its hand to save man:
Teach its eyes to be able to perceive,
  Under wretched man, his honour;
Teach its hands to reach out to him
  With the wine and oil of Calvary.

Let flow the love of Calvary's summit
  Through thy church unto him;
And thine own gentleness
  Hear the the wretch in his cry:
Teach her to fear to live at ease
  While forgetting the world
      and its anguish,
Strengthen her to be merciful unto it
  And to put her shoulder under his cross.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
Fill thy church on earth, Lord Jesus,
  With thy Holy Spirit; and
Let her serve thy heavenly purpose,
  Reaching man a helping hand.
Teach her eyes how to discover
  Valour 'neath man's misery;
Teach her hands, that she may proffer
  Wine and oil of Calvary.

Let the love of Calvary, flowing
  Through thy church, yet wider stretch,
And thy own especial kindness
  Hear the poor despairing wretch.
Warn her against easy living
  Heedless of the
      world at loss;
Rouse her up to heed, and pitying,
  Get her shoulder 'neath its cross.
M J H Ellis
used by permission

Tune: Port Penrhyn (John H Roberts 1848-1924)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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