Arglwydd melys ydyw cerdded

(Taith y Pererinion)
Arglwydd, melys ydyw cerdded
  I gyfeiriad Seion fryn,
Lle y gwelwyd ein cyndadau
  Yn finteioedd heirdd cyn hyn
    Hapus ydym
  I gael rhodio'n ol eu traed.

Fel yr oedynt hwy, 'rym ninnau,
  Rhai yn ieuainc, rhai yn hên;
Rhai yn wylaid yn y cysgod,
  Rhai yn moli dan dy wên.
    Rhai'n gweddio
  Rhai yn canu ar y daith.

'Rym, ein Dduw, yn ofni weithiau
  Mai rhy rwydd yw'n llwybyr ni;
Ac y dichon i ni golli
  Awydd am dy gwmni di.
    Gwna ni'n debyg
  I'r ffyddloniaid dewrion gynt.
David Davies 1849-1926
Llawlyfr Moliant 1930
- - - - -
Arglwydd, melys ydyw cerdded
  Ar y ffordd tua Seion fryn,
Teithio hon y bu ein tadau
  Yn finteioedd heirdd cyn hyn:
    Hapus ydym
  O gael rhodio yn ôl eu traed.

Tebyg iddynt ydym ninnau -
  Hen ac ieuainc o un fryd:
Rhai yn ochain dan eu beichiau,
  Rhai yn canu'n wyn eu byd,
  Am dy nawdd ar hyd y daith.

Ofni'r ydym, Dduw ein tadau,
  Mai rhy rwydd yw'n llwybyr ni;
Ac y dichon inni golli
  Awydd am dy gwmni Di;
    Gwna ni'n debyg
  I'r ffyddloniaid dewrion gynt.
arallwyd   |   altered
Llawlyfr Moliant Newydd 1956

Tôn [878747]: Islwyn (David Lewis 1828-1908)

(The Journey of the Pilgrims)
Lord, sweet it is to walk
  In the direction of Zion hill,
Where our forefathers were seen
  As noble droves before this
    Happy are we
  To get to walk in their footprints.

As were they, so are we,
  Some young, some old;
Some weeping in the shadow,
  Some praising under thy smile.
    Some praying
  Some singing on the journey.

We are, our God, fearing sometimes
  That too free be our path;
And that it is possible for us to lose
  Eagerness for thy company.
    Make us like
  The faithful brave ones of old.
- - - - -
Lord, sweet it is to walk
  On the road towards Zion hill,
Travelling this were our fathers
  As noble droves before this:
    Happy are we
  From getting to walk in their footprints.

Similar to them are we also -
  Old and young of one intent:
Some groaning under their burdens,
  Some blessedly singing,
    Together we plead
  For thy protection along the journey.

Fearing are we, God of our fathers,
  That too free is our path;
And that it is possible for us to lose
  Eagerness for Thy company;
    Make us like
  The faithful brave ones of old.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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