Arglwydd tyn y lleni tewion/trymion

Arglwydd, tyn y lleni tewion
  Sydd ar feddwl plant y byd,
Fel y gwelont degwch Sïon,
  Ac y delont iddi gyd;
    Hyfryd drigfa!
  Yma mae preswylfa Duw.

Cartref clyd, dïogel, diwall
  Sydd yn Eglwys Iesu Grist;
Ac nid oes un fangre arall
  Rydd ryddhad i enaid trist;
    Gelwir iddi,
  Tra bo ynddi eto le.

O! enaidiau gwynfydedig
  Sydd yn Sïon bur yn byw;
Byddant hyfryd a chadwedig
  Pan ddêl dydd digofaint Duw;
    Brawd a Chyfaill,
  Iddynt fydd y Barnwr mawr.
tewion :: trymion
drigfa :: drigfan

1 : Roger Edwards 1811-86
2-3: Hymnau Hen a Newydd 1868

Tonau [878747]:
Bethesda (alaw Ellmynig)
Lutterworth (Hymnau yr Eglwys 1892)

Lord, remove the thick curtains
  Which are over the thought
      of the world's children,
That they may see the fairness of Zion,
  And they may all come to her;
    Delightful dwelling!
  Here is the residence of God.

A secure, safe, satisfying home,
  Is in the Church of Jesus Christ;
And there are no other premises
  That give freedom to a sad soul;
    People are to be called to her,
  While ever there is still room in her.

O blessed souls!
  Who are living in pure Zion;
They shall delightful and saved
  When the day of God's wrath comes;
    A Brother and Friend,
  To them shall be the great Judge.
thick :: heavy

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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