Arglwydd tyred â'r newyddion

(Hiraeth am ben y daith)
Arglwydd, tyred â'r newyddion
  Sydd yn gweithio llawenhau,
Ac aed heibior noswaith dywyll
  O och'neidio a thristau,
    I mi'n glir wel'd y tir
  Brynwyd trwy ddioddefaint gwir.

Gād i'm henaid lanio yno,
  Y mae'r tonau'n fawr eu grym, 
Ac ni all fy enaid ofnus
  Ddal eu pwysau anferth ddim:
    D'angeu drud, tra'n y byd,
  Fydd fy nghysur oll i gyd.

O! na welwn gopa'r bryniau,
  Mae f'Anwylyd yno'n byw;
'Rwyf yn caru'r gwynt sy'n hedeg
  Dros fy Nghanaan hyfryd wiw:
    Fedd y llawr ddim yn awr
  Leinw le fy Arglwydd mawr.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787337]:
Dolfor (alaw Gymreig)
Gwahoddiad/Penllyn (alaw Gymreig)
GweddiWladgarol (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Priscilla (D J James 1743-1831)
St Elizabeth (T Maldwyn Price 1861-1933)

gwelir: Arglwydd edrych ar bererin

(Longing for the journey's end)
Lord, bring the news
  Which causes rejoicing,
And may the dark evening of
  Groaning and sadness pass,
    For me clearly to see the land
  Bought through true suffering.

Let my soul land there,
  The waves are of great force,
And my fearful soul cannot
  Bear their enormous pressure at all:
    Thy costly death, while in the world,
  Shall be all my comfort altogether.

O that I might see the tops of the hills,
  There my Beloved is living;
I love the wind that is flying
  Over my delightful, worthy Canaan:
    Earth below possesses nothing now
  That fills the place of my great Lord.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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