Arnom gweina Dwyfol Un

Arnom gweina Dwyfol Un
  Heb ei ofyn;
Mae ei ras fel ef ei hun
Blodau'r maes ac adar nef
  Gedwir ganddo;
Ond ar ddyn mae'i gariad ef -
  Diolch iddo!

Disgwyl y boreuddydd wnawn
  Mewn anghenion,
Ac fe dyr ag ephah lawn
  O fendithion;
Gad ei fendith ar ei ôl,
  Wrth fynd heibio;
Duw rydd eilwaith lond ei gôl -
  Diolch iddo! 

Ond mae bendith gyda DuW
  Well na'r cyfan:
Bendith y bendithion yw
  Duwiol anian:
Am y bara bery byth
  Heb heneiddio,
Canu wnawn tra ynom chwyth
  Diolch iddo!
Canu wnawn tra :: Canwn tra bo

Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

Tonau [7474D]:
Glan-y-Don (J Morgan LLoyd 1880-)
Llanfair (alaw Gymreig)
Rhos-Lan (Morris Davies 1796-1876)

The Divine One waits upon us
  Without being asked;
His grace is like himself
Flowers of the field and birds of heaven
  Are kept by him;
But on man is his love -
  Thanks to him!

We hope for the morning
  In needs,
And he will bring an ephah full
  O blessings;
He leaves his blessings behind him,
  As he goes by;
God will bestow his twice full bosom
  Thanks to him!

But God has a blessing
  Better than the entirety:
The blessing of blessings it is
  Divine nature:
For the bread which endures forever
  Without ageing,
Let us sing while we have breath
  Thanks to him!

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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