Atat Arglwydd 'rwy'n troi 'ngwyneb
Atat Arglwydd trof fy ŵyneb

1,2,(3,4);  1,3.
(Duw yn Unig Noddfa)
Atat, Arglwydd, trof fy ŵyneb,
  Ti yw f'unig noddfa lawn,
Pan fo cyfyngderau'n gwasgu -
  Cyfyngderau trymion iawn;
Dal fi i fyny 'ngrym y tonnau,
  Does ond dychryn ar bob llaw;
Rho dy help, Dywysog bywyd,
  I gael glanio'r ochor draw.

Neb is y nef ond Ti dy Hunan,
  Ddeil i fyny f'enaid gwan,
'Rwy'n diystyru'r holl greadigaeth,
  Fel peth diddim tlawd a gwan;
Ac os rhoddi Di'th fendithion
  Imi, 'r annhelyngaf ddyn;
Ti gai'n ol y cwbl roddaist
  I dy fynwes lān dy Hun.

Ti gei mywyd, Ti gei f'amser;
  Ti gei 'noniau o bob rhyw;
P'odd y beiddiaf gadw mymryn
  O fendithion pur fy Nuw?
Ffrydiau'r nefoedd wen i waered,
  Tyn garcharor caeth i maes;
Fe gaiff nef a daear glywed,
  Atsain gwaredigol ras.

Ac am hyny mi ymdroaf
  'Nawr yn ngallu mawr y nef;
Mae pob llwybr wedi ei gauad
  Ond y llwybr ato ef;
Mae allweddau nef ac uffern
  Acw'n hongian wrth ei glun,
Ato'r af yn mhob caledi -
  Ceidwad y truenus ddyn!
trof fy ŵyneb :: 'rwy'n troi 'ngwyneb

William Williams 1717-91

Blaenwern (W P Rowlands 1860-1937)
  Catrin (Glenys H Roberts)
Gwynfa (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Llangan (<1869)
Tyddewi (<1869)

(God as the Only Refuge)
To thee, Lord, I turn my face
  Thou art my only full refuge
Whenever distresses are pressing
  Distresses very heavy;
Keep me up in the force of the waves,
  There is only terror on every hand;
Give thy help, Prince of life,
  To get to land on the other side!

No-one below heaven but Thee thyself,
  Shall hold up my weak soul,
I am discounting the whole creation,
  As something worthless, poor and weak;
And if thou givest thy blessing
  To me, the most unworthy man;
Thou shalt get back the whole thou gavest
  To thine own holy bosom.

Thou hast my life, Thou hast my time;
  Thou hast my talents of every kind;
How will I stop keeping a fragment
  Of the pure blessing of my God?
Streams of bright heaven downwards,
  Pull a captive prisoner out;
Heaven and earth do hear,
  The echo of saving grace.

And therefore I turn myself
  Now in the great power of heaven;
Every path has been closed
  But the path unto him;
The keys of heaven and hell are
  Yonder hanging by his thigh,
To him I shall go in every difficulty -
  The Saviour of wretched man!
I turn my face :: I am turning my face

tr. 2008,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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