B'le mae tosturi tan y nef
P'le mae tosturi dan/tan y nef

(Tosturi a chariad Iesu yn marw drosom)
1,2,5,6,7;  1,3,4;  1,3,5.
P'le mae tosturi tan y nef
Cyffelyb i'w dosturi Ef?
  Creawdwr dae'r a nefoedd fawr
  Yn rhoddi ei fywyd oll i lawr.

Tydi fu'n dyoddef ar y gro's
Wnai'n henaid ganu ganol nos;
  Mewn t'wyllwch, mewn cymylau llid,
  Nes elo'r t'wyllwch heibio'i gyd.

O wyllys rhydd, o gariad rhad,
Tywalltodd Ef ei werthfawr waed;
  Ennillodd enw mawr di lyth,
  A chlod na dderfydd mo'no byth.

Wrth ddyoddef annghydmharol loes,
Y felldith hoeliwyd wrth y groes;
  Fe brynodd fendith yn ei lle,
  Sydd fwy ei gwerth na dae'r a ne'.

O ffynnon fendigedig wiw!
Tòrodd o honi waed fy Nuw;
  Ond dyma'r gwaed a'r dwfr drud,
  Sy'n golchi holl bechodau'r byd.

Wel weithiau cyfod, f'enaid cu,
Dy lygaid tua'r nefoedd fry,
  Gwel yr anfeidrol berffaith Iawn,
  Sy'n maddeu'th bechod oll yn llawn.

Wel dyma'r gân ddymunaf mwy,
Sef can am dy farwol glwy',
  Ac nid oes arall rydd iachad,
  Ond canu'n unig am dy wa'd.
P'le mae tosturi tan :: B'le mae tosturi dan
Yn rhoddi :: Yn rhoi
              - - - - -

P'le mae tosturi tan y nef,
Gyffelyb i'w dosturi Ef!
  Creawdwr dae'r a nefoedd fawr,
  Yn rhoddi ei fywyd pûr i lawr.

O'i 'wyllys rydd, a'i gariad rhad,
Y rhoddodd ef ei werthfawr wa'd;
  Fe 'nillodd enw mawr dilŷth,
  A chlôd na dderfydd mo'no fyth.

Troseddwyr oeddem ni i gŷd
Yn rhwym o dan anfeidrol lid;
  Neb yn y nef neu'r ddaear sydd
  A roisai'n cadwyn fawr yn rhydd.

Wrth ddiodde' annghymmarol loes
Y felldith hoeliwyd wrth y groes,
  Fe brynodd fendith yn ei lle,
  Sydd fwy ei phris
      na da'r a ne'.

Mi olchaf yma 'nawr yn rhad,
Fy ngwisgoedd budron oll a gwa'd;
  Ac yma y iachaf fy nghlwy,
  Fel na b'o ofn angeu mwy.

O ffynnon fendigedig wiw,
Tarddodd o honi waed fy Nuw;
  Yma mae'r gwaed a'r dwfr drud
  Sy'n golchi holl bechodau'r byd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
  Foundling (Casgliad Morris Davies 1835)
Luther (Gesangbuch Klug 1535)

gwelir: Wel weithian c'od fy enaid cu

(The mercy and love of Jesus in dying for us)
Where is mercy under heaven
Comparable to His mercy?
  The creator of earth and great heaven
  Laying down his whole life.

Thou who wast suffering on the cross
Dost make my soul sing at midnight;
  In darkness, in angry clouds,
  Until the darkness passes altogether.

Of a free will, of gracious love,
He poured out his precious blood;
  He won an unfailing, great name.
  And esteem which shall never die away.

By suffering incomparable anguish,
The curse was nailed to the cross;
  He purchased a blessing in its place,
  Of greater worth than earth and heaven.

Oh, worthy, blessed fount!
From it broke the blood of my God;
  But here is the costly blood and water,
  Which washes all the sins of the world.

See, often lift, my dear soul,
Thy eyes towards the heavens above,
  See the immeasurable, perfect Atonement,
  Which is forgiving all thy sins fully.

See here is the song I will seek henceforth,
That is a song about thy mortal wound,
  And there is nothing else imparts healing,
  But singing only about thy blood.
                 - - - - -

Where is mercy under heaven,
Like his mercy?
  The Creator of earth and great heaven,
  Laying down his pure life.

Of his free will, and his free love,
He gave his precious blood;
  He won a great unfailing name,
  And acclaim that shall never cease.

Transgressors were we all
Bound under immeasurable wrath;
  There is no-one in heaven or the earth
  That would set our great chain free.

By suffering incomparable anguish
The curse was nailed to the cross,
  He purchased a blessing in its place,
  That is of great price
      than earth and heaven.

I shall wash here now freely,
All my filthy garments with blood;
  And here I shall heal my wound,
  That there be no more fear of death.

O blessed worthy fount,
From which sprang the blood of my God;
  Here is the blood and the costly water
  That wash all the sins of the world.
tr. 2014,24 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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