Babel gŵympa er ei chryfed

(Cŵymp Babilon)
Babel gŵympa,
    er ei chryfed,
  Dagon syrth,
      er maint ei barch;
Nid oes elyn ddichon sefyll
  O flaen Iôr a'i gadarn arch:
Hollalluog yw Duw Israel,
  Arglwydd lluoedd llawr a nen;
Caerau Jericho a syrthiant
  Pan ddaw'r seithfed tro i ben.

Clywir sŵn
    yn mrig y morwydd,
  Deulu Seion, ymgryfhewch;
Wele'r wawr yn dechreu codi,
  Haleluwia, llawenhewch:
Fe udgenir trwy'r holl ddaear
  Udgorn mawr
      efengyl hedd,
"Syrthiodd Babel, syrthiodd Babel,
  Mwy nis gwelir
      ond ei bedd."

[Clywir sŵn yn
     mrig y morwydd -
   Deulu Sïon, ymgryfhewch;
 Sicrwydd sydd am fuddigoliaeth,
   Haleluia, llawenhewch:
 Fe udgenir dros y ddaiar
   Udgorn mawr
       efengyl hedd;
 Cyn bo hir y syrthio Babel
  Ac nis gwelir
      ond ei bedd."]
David Humphreys (Dewi Mochnant) 1813-66

Tonau [8787D]:
Argoed (John Richards 1843-1901)
Bethlehem / Mendelssohn
    (F Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Moriah (Martin Madan 1725-90)
Vienna (Franz Joseph Haydn 1732-1809)

(The Fall of Babylon)
Babylon shall fall,
    despite being so strong,
  Dagon shall fall,
      despite the extent of his reverence;
There is no enemy able to stand
  Before the Lord and his firm ark:
Almighty is the God of Israel,
  The Lord of the hosts of earth and heaven;
The citadels of Jericho shall fall
  When the seventh time comes to pass.

A sound is heard
    in the top of the mulberry trees,
  Family of Zion, be strong;
See the dawn beginning to rise,
  Hallelujah, rejoice ye:
To be sounded throughout all the earth
  Is the great trumpet
      of the gospel of peace,
"Babylon has fallen, Babylon has fallen,
  Nothing but its grave
      is to be seen any longer."

[A sound is heard
     in the top of the mulberry trees -
   Family of Zion, be ye strong;
 Certainty there is about victory,
   Hallelujah, rejoice ye:
 To be sounded across the earth
   Is the great trumpet
       of the gospel of peace,
 Before long Babylon shall fall,
   And nothing is to be seen
       but its grave.]
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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