Barn fi O Dduw a chlyw fy llais

Salm XXVI.
[1] Barn fi, O Dduw! a chlyw fy llais,
  Mi rodiais mewn perffeithrwydd;
Arwain a dysg fi yr un wedd
  Yn dy wirionedd diball.

[2] Prawf di fy muchedd, Arglwydd da,
  A hola ddull fy mywyd;
A manwl chwilia'r galon fau,
  A phrawf f'arenau hefyd.

[3] O flaen fy llygaid, wyf ar led
  Yn gweled dy drugaredd;
Gwnaeth dal ar hyny ar bob tro
  Im rodio i'th wirionedd.

[4] Nid cydeistedd gyd â gwagedd,
  Neu goegwŷr yn llawn malais;
[5] Cas gennyf bob annuwiol rith,
  Ac yn eu plith ni 'steddais.

[6] Mi olchaf fy nwy law yn lân,
  Can's felly byddan', f'Arglwydd;
Ac a dueddaf tu a'th gôr,
  Ac alor dy sancteiddrwydd.

[7] Y modd hyn teilwng yw i mi,
  Luosogi dy foliant;
Sef, addas i mi fod yn lân,
  I ddargan dy ogoniant.

[8] Arglwydd, cerais
    drigfan dy dŷ,
  Lle'r ery' dy anrhydedd;
[9] N'ad f'enaid i
    a'm hoes, ynghŷd
  Â'r gwaedlyd, llawn anwiredd.

[10] Eu dwylaw hwynt sy 'sgeler iawn,
  Y maent yn llawn maleisiau;
A dehau law yr holl rai hyn
  Sy'n arfer derbyn gwobrau.

[11] Minnau'n ddiniweid,
    felly gwedd,
  Ac mewn gwirionedd rhodiaf;
Gwared fi drwy dy ymgeledd,
  Cymmer drugaredd arnaf.

[12] Fe saif fy nhroed i ar yr iawn,
  Ni syfl o'r
      uniawn droedfedd;
Mi a'th glodforaf, Arglwydd da,
  Lle byddo mwya'r orsedd.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Persia (< 1869)
Saxony (alaw henafol)
Weimar (<1876)

gwelir: Prawf di fy muchedd Arglwydd da

[1] Judge me, O God, and hear my voice!
  I have walked in perfection;
Lead and teach me likewise
  In thy unfailing truth.

[2] Test my lifestyle, good Lord,
  And question the manner of my life;
And carefully investigate my own heart,
  And test my kidneys also.

[3] Before thy eyes, widespread I
  See thy mercy;
It did so much on every occasion
  For me to walk to thy truth.

[4] Not sitting together with vanity,
  Nor fools full of wickedness;
[5] I hate every ungodly figure,
  And among them I have not sat.

[6] I Wash my two hands clean,
  For thus they shall be, my Lord;
And I shall approach thy stall,
  And the altar of thy holiness.

[7] This manner is proper for me,
  To multiply thy praise;
That is, appropriate for me to be clean,
  To declare thy glory.

[8] Lord, I have loved
    the habitation of thy house,
  Where thy honour remains;
[9] Do not leave my soul
    and my life, together
  With the bloody, full of falsehood.

[10] Their hands are very villainous,
  Their are full of wickednesses;
And the right hands of such
  Which are used to accepting bribes.

[11] I myself am innocent,
    in this condition,
  And in truth I shall walk;
Save me through thy succour,
  Take pity on me.

[12] I will stand my foot on the right,
  It will not shift from the
      upright foot's length;
I will praise thee, God Lord,
  Where the greatest assembly be.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion
 1 Judge me, O Lord, for I the paths
     of righteousness have trod;
   I cannot fail, who all my trust
     repose on thee, my God.

 2 Search, prove my heart,
       whose innocence
     will shine the more 'tis tried;
 3 For I have kept thy grace in view,
     and made thy truth my guide.

 4 I never for companions took
     the idle or profane;
   No hypocrite, with all his arts,
     could e'er my friendship gain.

 5 I hate the busy plotting crew,
     who make distracted times;
   And shun their wicked company,
     as I avoid their crimes.

 6 I'll wash my hands in innocence,
     and bring a heart so pure,
   That when thy altar I approach,
     my welcome shall secure.

 7 My thanks I'll publish there, and tell
     how thy renown excels;
 8 That seat affords me most delight,
     in which thy honour dwells.

 9 Pass not on me the sinner's doom,

     who murder make their trade;

10 Who others' rights, by secret bribes,

     or open force invade.

11 But I will walk
       in paths of truth,
     and innocence pursue;
   Protect me, therefore, and to me
     thy mercies, Lord, renew.

12 In spite of all assailing foes
     I still maintain
         my ground;
   And shall survive amongst thy saints,
     thy praises to resound.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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