Bechadur ai tewi'r wyt ti?

(Galwad i ganmol Iesu)
Bechadur! ai tewi'r wyt ti
  Am sylfaen dy fywyd dy hun?
A'r engyl am Iawn drosom ni
  Yn canu'n egnïol bob un:
Er cymaint mae'r
    engyl di-fai
  Yn synnu at angau mor ddrud,
Nid ydyw eu syndod fawr llai
  At ddyn sydd yn aros yn fud!

O! deffro i ganmol yn Oen -
  Pwy all fod mewn dyled mor fawr?
A chân nes anghofio dy boen;
  Nac oeda, ond dechrau yn awr;
Mae moliant llu'r nef yn rhy wan
  I ateb i gariad Duw'r Iôr:
Dod gymorth, a chân di dy ran,
  Chwanega at allu y côr.
David Jones 1805-68

Tôn [8888D]: Pen Nebo (John Davies 1787-1855)

(A call to praise Jesus)
Sinner, art thou silent
  About the foundation of thy own life?
And the angels about the Atonement for us
  Singing fervently every one:
Despite the extent that the
    faultless angels
  Wonder at a death so costly,
Their wonder is not much less
  Towards a man who remains mute!

Oh, awake to praise the Lamb -
  Who can be in a debt so great?
And sing until forgetting thy pain;
  Nor delaying, but starting now;
The praise of heaven's host is too weak
  To answer to the love of God the Lord:
May help come, and sing thou thy part,
  Augment the strength of the choir!
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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