Bechadur gwel e'n sefyll

(Dyoddefaint, angeu a buddugoliaeth Crist.)
Bechadur, gwel e'n sefyll
  Yn llonydd ar y groes,
Clyw'r griddfan sy'n ei enaid
  Dan chwerw angeu loes:
O gwrando ei gwynfanau, -
  Mae pob ochenaid ddrud,
Yn floedd ynghlustiau'r nefoedd
  Am faddeu beiau'r byd.

Gwel ar y croesbren garw
  Gyfiawnder mawr y ne',
Doethineb, a thrugaredd
  Yn gorwedd mewn un lle;
A chariad anfesurol,
  A thosturiaethau'n un,
Fel afon fawr lifeiriol
  Yn rhedeg at y dyn.

Y baich oedd annyoddefol
  I'r cryfa o ddynolryw,
A wasgodd yn ofnadwy
  A'r ysgwydd gref fy Nuw:
Cyfiawnder oedd yn gofyn
  Am bechod di-nacâd,
Y swm anfeidrol dalwyd
  Trwy eithaf chwys a gwaed.

Y mynydd mawr anfeidrol
  A gym'rodd ef i gyd,
Oddiar ysgwyddau gweinion
  Yr euog aflan fyd;
Pan welai'r greadigaeth
  I fod y baich mor fawr,
Fe guddiodd nef ei hwyneb,
  Fe grynodd yntau'r llawr.

Yr hoelion geirwon celyd,
  Gynt a'i trywanodd E',
Sy'n awr yn dal y nefoedd
  Gwmpasog yn ei lle;
Mae gobaith meibion dynion
  Yn llifo maes i gyd,
Oddiwrth yr awr trywanwyd
  Creawdwr mawr y byd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [7676D]: Jabez (alaw Gymreig)

  Fy Nhad fy addfwyn Iesu
  O enw ardderchocaf
  Pwy rydd im falm Gilead?
  Unwaith am byth oedd ddigon

(The Suffering, death and victory of Christ.)
Sinner, see him fast,
  Motionless against the cross,
Here the groans that are in his soul
  Under the bitter throes of death:
O listen to his complaints, -
  Every costly groan
A shout in the ears of heaven
  For the forgiveness of the world's faults.

See on the rough wooden cross
  The great righteousness of heaven,
Wisdom, and mercy
  Lying in one place;
An immeasurable love,
  And mercies as one,
Like a great flowing river
  Running toward man.

The burden that was insufferable
  To the strongest of humankind,
That pressed terribly
  On the strong shoulders of my God:
Righteousness was asking
  For unrelenting sin
The immeasurable sum was paid
  Through the utmost sweat and blood.

The great immeasurable mountain
  That he took altogether,
From the weak shoulders
  Of the guilty, unclean world;
When he saw the creation
  That its burden was so great,
Heaven hid its face,
  The earth itself shook.

The rough, hard nails
  That once pierced him,
Are now holding the all-encompassing
  Heaven in its place;
The hope of the sons of men is
  All flowing out
From the hour the great Creator
  Of the world was pierced.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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