Bendigaid fyth fo'r Arglwydd mau

1,2,3,(8),9;  1,2,4;  1,4,5,6,7,8,9;  1,4,7,8;  1,5,8,9.
SALM LXVIII. 19-20, 22, 26, 28-32, 35.
Bendigaid fyth fo'r Arglwydd mau,
  Am ddoniau ei ddaioni:
A'i iachawdwriaeth i ni'n llwyth,
  O ber-ffrwyth ei haelioni.

Efe'i hun yw'n Duw ni i gyd,
  Sef Duw ein hiechyd helaeth:
Trwy'r Arglwydd Dduw cawn, yn ddiswrth,
  Ddïanc oddiwrth farwolaeth.

Dygaf fy mhobloedd (meddai ef)
  Hyd adref fel o Basan;
A dygaf hwynt
    i'r holl ar g'oedd,
  Fel o'r dyfnderoedd allan.

Clodforwch Dduw, hyny sydd dda,
  Ym mhob cyn'lleidfa ddiwael:
A chlodforwch yr Arglwydd Ion,
  Chwi sydd o ffynnon Israel.

Dy Dduw a drefnodd iti nerth,
  A'i law
      sydd brydferth geidwad
Duw, eto
    cadarnha yn faith
  Arnom ni waith dy gariad.

Er mwyn Caersalem,
    adail deg,
  Rhyd cedyrn
      anrheg iti;
    dyrfa'r gwaywffyn,
  A'r rhai
      a fyn rhyfelu.

Y pendifigion o'r Aipht draw
  A ddaw, ac Ethiopia,
At Dduw yn brysur, i roi rhodd,
  Ac aberth gwirfodd, yna.

Holl deyrnasoedd y ddaear lawr,
   I Dduw mawr cenwch foliant:
 Cenwch, cenwch, ei glod yn rhwydd,
   Sef Arglwydd y gogoniant.

Ofnadwy ydwyt ti a'th arch,
  Teilwng o barch y bobloedd:
Duw Israel
    rydd in' nerth wrth raid,
  Bendigaid yn oes oesoedd.
i ni'n :: i mi'n
eto cadarnha yn faith :: cadarnhâ eto'n faith
Arnom ni :: O'n mewn ni :: Ynom ni
Holl d'yrnasoedd y :: Chwi, holl deyrnasoedd
Cenwch, cenwch ei glod ::          
          Cydgenwch iddo glod
          Cenwch, O cenwch glod
Sef Arglwydd y :: I Arglwydd y
ydwyt ti a'th :: ydyw ef a'i

1-8: Edmund Prys 1544-1623
9: Peter Williams 1723-96

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Ann's (<1835)
Baden (Severus Gastorius 1647-82)
Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Langdale (<1905)
Llangranog (John Parry 1787-1866)
Mary (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Tyllwyd (Edward Arthur 1874-1948)

PSALM 68:19-20,22,26,28-32,35.
Blessed forever be my Lord,
  For the gifts of his goodness:
and his salvation to us as a load,
  Of the sweet fruit of his generosity.

He himself is the God of us all,
  That is the God of our abundant wholeness:
Through the Lord God we will get, quickly,
  Escape from death.

I will lead my peoples (he said)
  All the way home as from Bashan;
And I will lead them
    to all that was declared,
  As out from the depths.

Praise the Lord, that is good,
  In every excellent congregation:
And extol the Sovereign Lord,
  Ye who are of the fount of Israel.

Thy God has provided strength for thee,
  And his hand
      is a beautiful keeper
God, still
    confirms widely
  Upon us the work of thy love.

For the sake of Jerusalem,
    a fair building,
  The strong ones shall give
      a gift to thee;
Thou wilt destroy
    the company of the spear,
  And those who insist
      on going to war.

The nobles of distant Egypt
  Will come, and Ethiopia,
To God urgently, to give a gift,
  And voluntary offering, then.

All kingdoms of the earth below,
  To great sing praise:
Sing, sing, his praise freely,
  Who is the Lord of glory.

Terribly art thou and thy ark,
  Worthy of the peoples' respect:
The God of Israel
    who gives us strength in need,
  Blessed forever and ever.
to us as :: to me as
Upon us :: Within us :: In us
All kingdoms of the :: Ye, all the kingdoms of the
Sing, sing, his praise ::
          Sing praise together to him
          Sing, O sing, acclaim
Who is the Lord of :: To the Lord of
art thou and thy :: is he and his

tr. 2009,15 Richard B Gillion

19 For benefits
       each day bestowed,
     be daily
         his great Name, adored;
20 Who is our Saviour
       and our God,
     of life and death
         the sovereign Lord.

22 The Lord hath thus in thunder spoke:
     "As I subdued proud Bashan's king,
   "Once more I'll break
       my people's yoke,
     and from the deep my servants bring.

26 This was the burden of their song,
     "in full assemblies bless the Lord,
   "All, who to Israel's tribes belong,
     the God of Israel's praise record."

28 Thus God to strength and union brought 
     our tribes,
         at strife till that blest hour;
   This work, which thou,
       O God, hast wrought, 
     Confirm with fresh recruits of power.

29 To visit Salem, Lord, descend,
     and Zion thy terrestrial throne;
   Where kings with presents shall attend,
     and thee with offered crowns atone.

30 Break down the spearmen's ranks,
       who threat
     like pampered herds of savage might:
   Their silver armoured chiefs defeat,
     Who in destructive war delight.

3l Egypt shall then
       to God stretch forth 
     her hands,
         and Afric homage bring.
32 The scattered kingdoms
       of the earth
     their common Sov'reign's
         praises sing.

35 How dreadful are the sacred courts,
     where God has fixed his earthly throne!
   His strength
       his feeble saints supports;
     to God give praise, and him alone.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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