Bendigaid byth f'o enw Duw

(Etifeddiaeth y Saint)
Bendigaid byth f'o enw Duw,
  A'n cododd ni â'i ras,
Sef codi'r enaid marw'n fyw,
  O feddrod pechod cas.

I obaith bywiol cododd ni,
  Trwy godiad Crist
      o'r bedd,
I etifeddiaeth nefol fri,
  Yn ngwlad tragwydddol hedd.

Un anllygredig ydyw hi,
  Dihalogedig yw;
Diddiflanedig, uchel fri,
  Yn nghadw gyda Duw.

Mae'r etifeddion ar y llawr,
  Trwy allu Duw o'u tu,
Mor sicr a'r etifeddiaeth fawr,
  Sydd yn ddiogel fry.
Robert Jones 1806-96

Tôn [MC 8686]: French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)

(The Inheritance of the Saints)
Blessed forever be the name of God,
  Who has raised us with his grace,
That is raised the dead soul alive,
  From the tomb of detestable sin.

To a lively hope he raised us,
  Through the raising of Christ
      from the grave,
To an inheritance of heavenly renown,
  In the land of eternal peace.

One incorruptible is it,
  Undefiled it is;
Unfading, of high renown,
  Kept with God.

The inheritance on the earth is
  Through the power of God on their side,
As sure as the great inheritance,
  Which is safe above.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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