Bendigaid/Fendigaid fore teg ei wawr

Blest morning whose young dawning rays

1,2,3,4,(5);  1,2,4.
Bendigaid fore teg ei wawr,
  Daeth Iesu mawr o'r bedd;
Ca'dd fuddugoliaeth gyflawn gu
  O'r carchar du ei wedd.

Er gorwedd mewn distawrwydd dro
  Ym mro marwolaeth brudd,
Ein Prynwr nefol codi wnaeth,
  Pan ddaeth y trydydd dydd.

Nis gallai'r bedd nac uffern drist,
  Mo attal Crist i'r lann;
Disymmwth iawn daeth daear-gryn,
  I ddryllio'r gadwyn wan.

I'th enw mawr ein Harglwydd mad,
  Dyrchafwn ganiad hy,
A seiniwn oll Hosannah'n rhydd
  Am ddydd ein Harglwydd cu.

Anfarwol glod a nefol fawl
  I'n gwych fuddugawl Dduw,
Rhoed daear lawr
    a'r nefoedd fry
  Wych glod i'r Iesu gwiw.
Bendigaid :: Fendigaid
Nis gallai'r bedd :: Ni allai'r bedd

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MC 8686]:
  Hibernia (Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829)
Irish (alaw Wyddeleg)
St Fulbert (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)
St Magnus (Jeremiah Clark c.1673-1707)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

Blessed morning of fair dawn,
  Jesus came from the grave;
He gained a dear full victory
  From the prison of black aspect.

Despite lying in quietness for a while
  In the vale of sorrowful death,
Our heavenly Redeemer rise he did,
  When came the third day.

Neither the grave nor sad hell can
  Impede Christ in the end;
Very abruptly came an earthquake,
  To shatter the weak chain.

To thy great name, our esteemed Lord,
  We raise a bold song,
And all sound Hosanna freely
  For the day of our dear Lord.

Immortal acclaim and heavenly praise
  To our glorious, victorious God,
Let the earth below and
    the heavens above give
  Glorious acclaim to the worthy Jesus.

tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

(The Lord's day; or, The resurrection of Christ.)
Blest morning, whose young dawning rays
  Beheld our rising God;
That saw him triumph o'er the dust,
  And leave his dark abode!

In the cold prison of a tomb
  The dear Redeemer lay,
Till the revolving skies had brought
  The third, th'appointed day.

Hell and the grave unite their force
  To hold our God in vain;
The sleeping Conqueror arose,
  And bust their feeble chain.

To thy great name, Almighty Lord,
  These sacred hours we pay;
And loud hosannas shall proclaim
  The triumphs of the day.

Salvation and immortal praise
  To our victorious King;
Let Heav'n, and earth,
    and rocks, and seas,
  With glad hosannas ring.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707-09

Tune [CM 8686]: Lanesbro (Robert W Dixon 1750-1825)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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