Bendigaid fore teg ei wawr (Y darfu i'n Duw a'n Prynwr mawr)

Blest morning whose young dawning rays

(Dydd Pasc - Boreuol Weddi)
Bendigaid fore, teg ei wawr,
Y darfu i'n Duw a'n Prynwr mawr
  Gyfodi fyny'n wych ei wedd,
  A gorfoleddu ar y bedd.

Yng ngharchar oer y beddrod du
Y Prynwr gwiw yn gorwedd bu,
  Nes daeth oddi
      amgylch yn ddiludd
  Y trydydd appwyntiedig ddydd.

Nis gallai'r bedd nac uffern ddu
Mo gadw yn gaeth ein Ceidwad cu;
  Cyfodi wnaeth o'r bedd i'r lan,
  Gan dori'n rhydd eu cadwyn wan.

O Arglwydd Ior, i'th enw Di
Yr oriau hyn gyflwynwn ni,
  A seiniwn gān Hosanna i gyd
  O ddiolch am y sanctaidd ddydd.
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

[Mesur: MH 8888

(Easter Day - Morning Prayer)
Blessed morning, fair its dawn,
When our God and our great Redeemer
  Rose up in brilliant condition,
  And was jubilant over the grave.

In the cold prison of the black tomb
The worthy Redeemer was lying,
  Until death came resistlessly
      from around him
  On the third, appointed day.

Neither the grave nor black hell could
Keep captive our dear Saviour;
  Arise he did up from the grave,
  Cutting free our weak chains.

O Sovereign Lord, to thy name
These hours we present,
  And we all sound a song of Hosanna
  Of thanks for the sacred day.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
(The Lord's day; or, The resurrection of Christ.)
Blest morning, whose young dawning rays
  Beheld our rising God;
That saw him triumph o'er the dust,
  And leave his dark abode!

In the cold prison of a tomb
  The dear Redeemer lay,
Till the revolving
    skies had brought
  The third, th'appointed day.

Hell and the grave unite their force
  To hold our God in vain;
The sleeping Conqueror arose,
  And bust their feeble chain.

To thy great name, Almighty Lord,
  These sacred hours we pay;
And loud hosannas shall proclaim
  The triumphs of the day.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707-09

Tune [CM 8686]: Lanesbro
    (Robert W Dixon 1750-1825)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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