Beth a dalaf am dy helaeth?

(Y Cristion mewn Cyfoeth)
Beth a dalaf am dy helaeth
  Drugareddau, O fy Nuw!
Cym'raf phiol iachawdwriaeth,
  A chlodforaf d'enw gwiw:
Gyda golud, dyro galon
  I ddefnyddio pob rhyw rodd,
Fel gor'chwyliwr hael a ffyddlon,
  Trwy fy mywyd, wrth dy fodd.

Nid yw'r cyfoeth, nid yw'r cyfan
  A feddiennir yn y byd,
Ddim i'w cyfri'n
    addas gyfran, -
  Gwynt a gwagedd ŷnt i gyd:
Gad im' feddu gwir santeiddrwydd,
  Llanwa f'enaid â dy hedd;
Dwg fi'n llon i'r etifeddiaeth
  Ddidranc, bur, tu draw i'r bedd.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850
Diferion y Cyssegr 1809

Tôn [8787D]: Cassel (Johann Thommen 1711-83)

gwelir: Beth dâl cyfoeth nac anrhydedd

(The Christian in Wealth)
What shall I pay for thy generous
  Mercies, O my God?
I shall take the chalice of salvation,
  And I shall extol thy worthy name:
With riches, grant a heart
  To use every kind of gift,
Like a generous and faithful overseer,
  Throughout my life, to please thee.

Neither wealth nor the whole
  That is possessed in the world,
Is anything to be counted as
    a suitable portion, -
  Wind and vanity are they all:
Let me possess true sanctification,
  Flood my soul with thy peace;
Lead me cheerfully to the inheritance
  Undying, pure, beyond the grave.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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