Beth dâl im' roi fy serch [a 'mryd / a'm bryd]?

(Ffrynd yn angeu)
Beth dâl im' roi
    fy serch a'm bryd
Ar ddim a welais yn y byd?
  Da, daear, dyn, pa gysur yw,
  Y dydd y del digofaint Duw.

Pa'm carai'r byd a'i wagedd mwy,
Hyd angeu'n brin y deuant hwy;
  Gwell i mi garu'r
      ffrynd a ddaw,
  Yn angeu i 'maflyd yn fy llaw.  [JD]

Ffarwel deganau gwael y byd,
A'r holl ofidiau
    sy ynddo'i gyd;
  Tuag adre'r af
      er dw'r a thân,
  Mae swn fy mrodyr o fy mlaen.

              - - - - -
(Gwagedd y byd, a ffyddlondeb Crist.)
Beth dâl im' roi
    fy serch a 'mryd,
Ar ddim a welais yn y byd?
  Da, daear, dyn, pa gysur yw
  Y dydd y dêl digofaint Duw.

Pan fyddwy'n wyneb angau du,
Heb gael ond cefn pob cyfaill cu;
  Pryd hyn pwy helpa f'enaid gwan,
  I ddringo o'r anial fyd i'r làn.

O'r dywyll wlad pan fyddwy'n myn'd,
Fy Iesu bydd fy ffyddlawn ffrynd;
  Pa frawd, pa chwaer,
      pa gyfaill gwell,
  A'm hebrwng i'r ardaloedd pell?

[Pan fyddwy'n myn'd o'r dywyll wlad,
 Fy Iesu, bydd fy ngyfaill mad;
   Pa frawd, pa chwaer,
       pa geidwad gwell,
   A'm hebrwng i'r ardaloedd pell?]
Pan fyddwy'n :: Pan b'wy'n
Fy Iesu bydd :: Yr Iesu fydd
              - - - - -
(Trueni dan haul)
Beth dâl im' roi
    fy serch a'm bryd
Ar ddim a welais yn y byd?
  Da, daear, dyn, pa gysur yw,
  Y dydd y dêl digofaint Duw.

Byr iawn yw'r pleser sy tan haul,
Ar ol ei gael trwy boen a thraul;
  Fel mellten fe ddiflana'n llawn
  Cyn cael gafaeliad arno'n iawn.

O, pwy a roddai'i bwys ar ddyn
Sy'n llesg a gwan fel corsen grin?
  Ar beth mor frau,
      pwy roddai'i fryd?
  Plant Adda, gwagedd ynt i gyd.

Help bellach, Arglwydd, atat ti
Yn unig daw fy enaid cu;
  Yr wyf yn credu fod dy ras
  Yn llawer mwy na phechod cas.

            - - - - -

Beth dâl im' roi
    fy serch a mryd
Ar ddim a welais yn y byd;
  Da, daear, dyn, pa gysur yw
  Y dydd y dêl digofaint Duw?

Pan b'wy'n wynebu angeu du
Bydd pawb yn cefnu arnaf fi;
  Pryd hyn pwy gynal f'enaid gwan,
  I ddod o'r anial fyd i'r làn?

I'r dywyll wlad pan fyddwy'n myn'd,
Yr Iesu fydd fy ffyddlon ffrynd!
  Pa frawd, pa chwaer,
      pa gyfaill gwell,
  A'm hebrwng i'r ardaloedd pell? [DJ]

Pam carai'r byd
    a'i wagedd mwy?
Hyd angau'n brin y deuant hwy:
  Gwell i mi garu'r
      Ffrynd a ddaw,
  Yn angeu i 'maflyd yn fy llaw.  [JD]

            - - - - -

Beth dâl im' roi
    fy serch a mhryd
Ar ddim a welais yn y byd;
  Da, daear, dyn, pa gyssur yw
  Y dydd y dêl digofaint Duw.

Pe cawn y byd i gyd yn grwn
A byw flynyddoedd fil yn hwn,
  Ni fyddai ond torfo ofidiau blîn
  Heb gaffael heddwch Duw ei hun.

Pam cara'i'r byd
    a'i wagedd mwy,
Hyd angau'n brin y deuant hwy:
  Gwell i mi garu'r
      ffrynd a ddaw,
  Yn angeu i 'maflyd yn fy llaw.  [JD]

Tryw'r dyffryn tywyll pan f'wi'n myn'd
Yr Iesu fydd fy ffyddlon ffrynd,
  Pa frawd, pa chwaer,
      pa gyfaill gwell
  A'm hebrwng i'r ardaloedd pell. [DJ]
William Williams 1717-91
[DJ] = Dafydd Jones 1711-77
[JD] = John Dafydd 1727-1783

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Babylon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)
Gregory (Christliche Gesangbüchlein 1568)
Menai (Psalmydd Playford 1671)
Savoy (<1829)
Saxony (Leisentritt 1572)

  Dal fi fy Nuw dal fi i'r làn
  'Does dim o gylch yr awyr fry
  Nid oes un gwrthddrych yn y byd
  Pa'm carai'r byd a'i wagedd mwy?
  Pwy wrendy riddfan f'enaid gwan?

(A Friend in death)
What shall pay me to put
    my affection and my mind
On anything I have seen in the world?
  What comfort are goods, earth, man,
  On the day the wrath of God comes?

Why love the world and its vanity any more,
As far as death they will scarcely come;
  Better for me to love the
      friend who will come,
  In death to take me by the hand.

Farewell, base trinkets of the world,
And all the griefs
    that are in it altogether;
  Towards home I shall go
      despite water and fire,
  The sound of my brothers is before me.

                 - - - - -
(The vanity of the world, and the faithfulness of Christ.)
What shall pay me to put
    my affection and my mind
On anything I have seen in the world?
  What comfort are goods, earth, man,
  On the day the wrath of God comes.

When I am in the face of black death,
Getting only the back of every dear friend;
  Then who will help my weak soul,
  To climb up from the desert world?

From the dark land when I shall be going,
My Jesus shall be my faithful friend;
  What brother, what sister,
      what better friend,
  Shall escort me to the distant regions?

[When I am going from the dark land,
 My Jesus, be my good friend;
   What brother, what sister,
       what better saviour,
   Shall escort me to the distant regions?]
My Jesus shall be :: Jesus shall be
                 - - - - -
(Wretchedness under the sun)
What shall pay me to put
    my affection and my mind
On anything I have seen in the world?
  What comfort are goods, earth, man,
  On the day the wrath of God comes.

Very short is the pleasure under the sun,
After getting through pain and cost;
  Like lightening it will disappear fully
  Before getting hold of it truly.

O who shall put his weight on man
Who is feeble and weak like a shaking reed?
  On a thing as fragile,
      who would put his mind?
  Children of Adam, they are all vanity.

Help henceforth, Lord to thee
Alone shall come my dear soul;
  I am believing that thy grace is
  Much greater than hated sin.

              - - - - -

What keeps me setting
    my affection and my mind
On anything I saw in the world;
  What comfort are goods, earth, man
  On the day the wrath of God comes?

When I am facing black death
Everyone will turn their back upon me;
  Then who supports my weak soul,
  To come up from the desert world?

To the dark land when I shall go,
Jesus will be my faithful friend!
  What brother, what sister,
      what better companion,
  And escort me to the distant regions?

Why should I love the world
    and its emptiness any more?
As far as death they shall scarcely come:
  Better for me to love the
      Friend who comes,
  In death to take me by my hand.

                - - - - -

What shall pay me to put
    my affection and my mind
On anything I have seen in the world?
  What comfort are goods, earth, man,
  On the day the wrath of God comes.

If I had all the round world
And lived a thousand years in this,
  It would only stir up painful griefs
  Without possessing God's own peace.

If I loved the world and
    its vanity evermore,
Until death they would scarcely come:
  I had better love the
      friend who will come,
  In death to take hold of my hand.

Through the dark vale when I am going
Jesus shall be my faithful friend,
  What brother, what sister,
      what better friend
  Shall escort me to the distant regions?
tr. 2016,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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