Boed moliant Iesu mawr

Boed moliant Iesu mawr
Yn llenwi nef a llawr
  Am angau'r Groes;
Cymerodd natur dyn,
Daeth Ef i'r byd ei Hun,
Gwnaeth gymod dros bob un,
  Trwy farwol loes.

Mae'r Hwn fu farw'n fyw,
Trwy'r Gwaed rhinweddol, gwiw
  Yn eiriol fry;
Trugaredd nef yn awr
Ddyg iachawdwriaeth fawr
I lwythau daear lawr,
  A heddwch cu.

Ac am fod Iesu'n fyw
Dwg bawb o feibion Duw
  I deyrnas nef;
Preswylferch Seion, cân
I'th Briod di-wahân,
Abertha foliant glân
  I'w enw Ef.

Cydunwn gyda'r côr
Sydd wrth orseddfainc Iôr
  Heb gur na phoen;
Mae torf ar ben eu taith,
O bob rhyw lwyth ac iaith,
Yn canu moliant maith:
  "Teilwng yw'r Oen."
Hymnau Hen a Newydd 1868

Tôn [664.6664]: Llanbeblig (alaw Gymreig)

Let the praise of great Jesus be
Filling heaven and earth
  For the death of the cross;
He took the nature of man,
He himself came to the world,
He made reconciliation for every one,
  Through mortal anguish.

He who died is alive,
Through the worthy, efficacious blood,
  Is interceding above;
The mercy of heaven now
Brings great salvation
To the tribes of earth below,
  And dear peace.

And because Jesus is alive
He shall bring all of the sons of God
  To the kingdom of heaven;
Resident daughter of Zion, sing
To thy inseparable Spouse,
Sacrifice holy praise
  To his name.

Let us join with the choir
That is by the Lord's throne
  Without wound or pain;
There is throng at their journey's end,
From every kind of tribe and language,
Singing vast praise:
  "Worthy is the Lamb."
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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