Brenin gogoniant a phob gras

(Great King of glory and of grace)

1,2,3,4,5,6; 1,3,5,6.
(Cyflwr annychweledig; neu Ras yn dychwelyd.)
Brenin gogoniant a phob gras,
  Cyfaddef gyd ā ch'wilydd 'r y'm,
I'n dd'od o lwynau Adda i ma's;
  Wedi dirywio bob yr un.

O Adda'n gwaed llygredig daeth,
  A'r gwenwyn ynom berwi mae;
Gwrthwyneb i bob da fe'n gwnaeth;
  A slafiaid i bechodau a bai.

Torri dy ddeddfau glān bob dydd,
  A gwrthod 'ry'm dy ras bob awr;
O du'r hen sarph
    ein hymdrech sydd
  Yn erbyn ein Gwneuthurwr mawr.

Byw'n ddieithr pell ry'm oddiwrth Dduw,
  A charu'r pellder hyn sy' waeth;
A myn'd i'r ffordd peryglus yw,
  Sy'n dwyn i angeu ac uffern gaeth.

A ellir troi'r fath gyndyn ryw?
  A newid eu naturiaeth gas?
Dangos d'ogoniant mawr, O Dduw,
  Gwna iddynt deimlo nerth dy ras.

Bendithiwn enw'n
    Tad o'r nef,
  Ei Yspryd enfyn oddi fry,
I ddwyn dieithriaid atto ef,
  A g'lynion yn gyfeillion try.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(An unconverted Condition; or Grace converting.)
King of glory and all grace,
  Confessing with shame we are,
Since we come from the loins of Adam forth;
  Ruined, every one.

From Adam our blood became corrupt,
  And the poison in us is boiling;
Contrary to every good it made us;
  And slaves to sins and fault.

Breaking thy holy laws every day,
  And refusing we are thy grace every hour,
From the side of the old serpent
    our effort is
  Against our great Maker.

Living as strangers far ar we from God,
  And loving this distance, which is worse;
And going to the perilous way it is,
  Which leads to death and captive hell.

Can such a stubborn kind be turned?
  And change their detestable nature?
Show thy great glory, O God,
  Make them feel the strength of thy grace.

Let us bless the name of our
    Father from heaven,
  His Spirit beseech from on high,
To lead strangers unto him,
  And turn enemies into friends.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion
(An unconverted state; or, Converting grace.)
Great King of glory and of grace,
  We own, with humble shame,
How vile is our degen'rate race,
  And our first father's name.

From Adam flows our tainted blood,
  The poison reigns within;
Makes us averse to all that's good,
  And willing slaves to sin.

Daily we break thy holy laws,
  And then reject thy grace;
Engaged in the old
    serpent's cause,
  Against our Maker's face.

We live estranged afar from God,
  And love the distance well;
With haste we run the dangerous road
  That leads to death and hell.

And can such rebels be restored?
  Such natures made divine?
Let sinners see thy glory, Lord,
  And feel this power of thine.

We raise our Father's
    name on high
  Who his own Spirit sends
To bring rebellious strangers nigh,
  And turn his foes to friends.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

[Mesur: CM 8686]

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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