Bum heddyw gyd a'th bobl gu
'Rwyf heddyw gyda'th deulu di

(Nos Sabboth)
Bum heddyw gyd a'th bobl gu
Yn gwledda, O Dad o fewn dy dŷ:
  Ces heddyw brawf o'r ymborth brâs
  A drefnodd rhâd anfeidrol râs.

Mor felus yw'th gymdeithas Di
Dros ennyd awr i'm henaid i!
  O! am y nefol gyflawn wledd
  Sy'n ngŵydd yr Oen
      ynglwad yr hedd!

Pan dderfydd fy Sabbothau i gyd,
A'm heinioes fer yn hyn o fyd,
  O Dad, dwg fi i'th breswyl fry
  I seinio clod yr Iesu cu.

             - - - - -

'Rwyf heddyw gyda'th deulu di,
Fy nefol Dad o fewn dy dŷ;
  I weled gwedd
      f'Anwylyd gwiw,
  Mor hoff ei lais!
      mor hardd ei liw!

Dy Sabbath santaidd yma sydd
Orphwysfa'm bron flinderus brudd;
  A'th demi lân sydd i mi le
  Cysurus 'nawr, fel cwr o'r ne'.

Gwyn fyd y llu o fewn i'r llen,
Lle na ddaw'r Sabbath byth i ben;
  Lle nad oes croes
      i weision Crist,
  Na gofid trwm, nac enaid trist.

Ond prynedigion
    gwaed yr Oen,
Yn dorf aneirif, bur
    heb boen,
  A'th ber glodforant o un fryd,
  Yn ddedwydd byth, mewn nefol fyd.

Pan dderfydd fy Sabbathau'i gyd,
A'm heinioes frau yn hyn o fyd,
  Dwg fi'n ddifraw
      i'th breswyl fry,
  I seinio clod fy Iesu cu.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tôn [MH 8888]: Duke Street (John C Hatton 1710-93)

gwelir: O arwain fi trwy'r anial le

(Sabbath Evening)
Today I was with thy dear people,
Feasting, O Father, within thy house;
  Today I had a taste of the rich nutrition
  That infinite free grace planned.

How sweet is thy fellowship
For a brief hour to my soul!
  O for the complete heavenly feast,
  That is in the presence of the Lamb
      in the land of peace!

When all my Sabbaths vanish,
And my short life-span in this world,
  O Father, bring me to thy residence above
  To sound the acclaim of dear Jesus.

                - - - - -

I am today with thy family,
My heavenly Father, within thy house;
  To see the countenance
      of my worthy Beloved;
  How amiable his voice!
      How beautiful his appearance!

Thy sacred Sabbath here is
A resting-place to my sad, weary soul;
  And thy holy temple is to me is a place
  Comforting now, like a corner of heaven.

Blessed are the host within the curtain,
Where the Sabbath never comes to an end;
  Where there is no cross
      for Christ's servants,
  Nor heavy distress, nor a sad soul.

But those redeemed
    by the blood of the Lamb,
As a pure, innumerable throng,
    without pain,
  Praise thee sweetly with one intent,
  Happy forever, in a heavenly world.

When all my Sabbaths vanish,
And my fragile life-span in this world,
  Bring me without fear
      to thy residence above,
  To sound the praise of my dear Jesus.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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