Bydd melus cofio/gofio y cyfammod
Melus gofir y cyfamod
Melys gofio y cyfamod
Melys gofir y cyfam(m)od

(Dyfnderoedd Iachawdwriaeth)
Bydd melys gofio y cyfammod,
  Draw a wnaed
    gan DRI yn UN;
Trag'wyddol syllu ar y Person,
  A gym'rodd arno natur dyn:
Wrth gyflawni yr ammodau,
  Trist iawn hyd angeu ei enaid oedd;
Dyma gân y saith ugeinmil
  Tu draw i'r llen
    â llawen floedd.

Fy enaid trist, wrth gofio'r frwydyr,
  Yn llamu o lawenydd sydd;
Gweld y ddeddf yn anrhydeddus
  A'i throseddwyr mawr yn rhydd;
Rhoi Awdwr bywyd i farwolaeth
  A chladdu'r Atgyfodiad mawr;
Dwyn i mewn dragwyddol heddwch
  Rhwng nef y nef
    a daear lawr.

Efe yw'r Iawn
    fu rhwng y lladron,
  Efe ddioddefodd angau loes,
Efe a nerthodd freichiau
    ei ddienyddwyr
  I'w hoelio yno ar y groes;
Wrth dalu dyled pentewynion,
  Ac anrhydeddu deddf ei Dad,
Cyfiawnder, mae'n disgleirio'n danbaid
  Wrth faddau yn nhrefn
    y cymod rhad.

O! f'enaid, gwêl y fan gorweddodd
  Pen brenhinoedd, Awdwr hedd,
Y greadigaeth ynddo'n symud,
  Yntau'n farw yn y bedd;
Cân a bywyd colledigion,
  Rhyfeddod fwya'
    angylion nef;
Gweld Duw mewn cnawd
    a'i gydaddoli
  Mae'r côr, dan weiddi "Iddo Ef!"

O! ddedwydd awr tragwyddol orffwys
  Oddi wrth fy llafur yn fy rhan,
Ynghanol môr o ryfeddodau
  Heb weled terfyn byth, na glan;
Mynediad helaeth byth i bara
  I fewn trigfannau
    Tri yn Un;
Dwr i'w nofio heb fynd trwyddo,
  Dyn yn Dduw, a Duw yn ddyn.
gân y saith ugeinmil :: gân y gwaredigion
â llawen floedd :: mewn uchel floedd
O! f'enaid, gwêl :: Fy enaid, gwêl
pentewynion :: pechaduriaid
               - - - - -
1,2,(3),4.  1,3,
Melys gofir y Cyfamod, Draw a wnaed gan Dri yn Un; Bythol syllir ar y Person, Gym'rodd arno natur dyn: Wrth gyflawni yr amodau, Trist hyd angeu ei enaid oedd - Dyma gân y saith ugeinmil Draw i'r llen â llawen floedd. Fe yw'r Iawn fu rhwng y lladron, Dioddefodd angeu loes, Nerthodd freichiau ei ddienyddwyr I'w hoelio'n greulon y groes; Dalodd dyled pechaduriaid, Anrhydeddodd deddf Ei Dad, Cyfiawnder oedd yn hardd ddisgleirio, - Ninnau'n rhydd trwy'r cymod rhad. Ffordd a drefnwyd, cyn bod amser, I ryddhau o ddrygau'r ddraig: Mewn addewid gynt yn Eden, Fe gyhoeddwyd Had y Wraig: Ffordd i gyfiawnhau'r annuwiol, Ffordd i godi'r marw'n fyw, Ffordd gyfreithlon i droseddwyr I gael hedd a ffafr Duw. Fy enaid trist, wrth gofio'r frwydyr, Yn llamu o lawenydd sydd; Gweld y ddeddf yn anrhydeddus A'r pechadur caeth yn rhydd; Rhoi Awdwr bywyd i farwolaeth Claddu'r Atgyfodiad mawr! - Dwyn i mewn dragwyddol heddwch Rhwng nef y nef a daear lawr.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Carlisle New (<1835)
Compassion (<1825)
Dismissal (W L Viner 1790-1867)
Dolwar (<1869)
Dre-hir (David Evans [Edward Arthur] 1874-1948)
Eryl (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-?)
Esther (John Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)
Gilboa (<1825)
Gwilym (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Hyfrydol (Rowland H Prichard 1811-87)
Jewin St (<1835)
Penderyn (alaw Gymreig)
Prysgol (William Owen 1813-93)
Towyn (David de Lloyd 1883-1948)
Welsh (<1825)

  Bererin llesg gan rym y stormydd
  Draw ar gopa bryn Golgotha
  Dyma babell y cyfarfod
  Fy enaid gwel y fan gorweddodd
  Ffordd a drefnwyd cyn bod amser
  Nid eill moroedd mawrion llydain
  O! ddedwydd awr tragwyddol orffwys
  O ddyfnderoedd iachawdwriaeth
  O'm blaen mi wela' ddrws agored
  Os rhaid ŵynebu'r afon donnog
  Rhyfedd rhyfedd gan angylion
  Wele Sinai a Chalfaria

(The Depths of Salvation)
It is sweet to remember the covenant,
  Yonder which was made
    by the THREE in ONE;
Eternal gazing on the Person,
  Who took on himself the nature of man:
While fulfilling the terms,
  Very sad as far as death his soul was;
Here is the song of the sevenscore thousand
  The other side of the curtain
    with a joyful shout.

My sad soul, while remembering the battle,
  Is leaping from joy;
To see the law honoured
  And its great transgressors free;
To put the Author of life to death
  And bury the great Resurrection;
To bring in eternal peace
  Between the heaven of heaven
    and the earth below.

He is the Satisfaction
    who was between the thieves,
  He suffered the throes of death,
He who strengthened the arms
    of his executioners
  Who nailed him there on the cross;
While paying a debt of firebrands,
  And honouring the law of his Father,
Justice, it is shining fervently
  While forgiving is arranging
    the free reconciliation.

O my soul, see the place where lay
  The Chief of kings, the Author of peace,
The creation moves in him,
  The one dead in the grave;
The song and life of the lost,
  The greatest wonder
    of the angels of heaven;
Seeing God in flesh
    and worshipping him together
  Is the choir, while shouting "Unto Him!"

O happy hour of eternal rest
  From my labour in my part,
Among a sea of wonders
  Without seeing an end ever, nor shore;
An ever-plenteous access to abide
  Within the dwellings
    of the Three in One;
Water to swim in that is untraversed,
  Man in God, and God in man.
song of the sevenscore thousand :: song of the delivered
with a joyful shout :: in a loud shout
O my soul, see :: My soul, see
firebrands :: sinners
                 - - - - -
Sweetly is the covenant to be remembered, Yonder which was made by the THREE in ONE; Forever gazing on the Person, Who took on himself the nature of man: While fulfilling the terms, Sad as far as death his soul was - Here is the song of the sevenscore thousand Beyond the curtain with a joyful shout. He is the Satisfaction who was between the thieves, He suffered the throes of death, He strengthened the arms of his executioners Who nailed him cruelly on the cross; He payed a debt of sinners, He honoured the law of his Father, Justice was beautifully shining, - Ourselves free through the gracious reconciliation. A way was arranged, before time was, To free from the evils of the dragon: In a promise of old in Eden, Was announced the Seed of the Woman: A way to justify the ungodly, A way to raise the dead alive, A lawful way for transgressors To get the peace and favour of God. My sad soul, while remembering the battle, Is leaping from joy; To see the law honoured And the captive sinner free; Putting the Author of life to death And burying the great Resurrection; To bring in eternal peace Between the heaven of heaven and the earth below.
tr. 2008,11 Richard B Gillion
("Salvation unto our God which sitteth on
the throne and unto the Lamb." Rev 5:13)

Passing sweet to the reflections
  Of the souls
    redeemed above
Are the many recollections
  Of God's covenant of Love,
Praise for perfected salvation
  Through Immanuel alone
Animates their adoration
  And their song
    before the throne.

See the Law by sinners broken
  To the utmost satisfied,
When, in token, Christ had spoken,
  "It is finished!" and died!
To restore man's lost perfection,
  And to disannul his doom,
He Who is The Resurrection
    to the tomb.

He, to Whom
    His base detractors
  And tormentors
    owed their breath,
Hung between two malefactors,
  Breathed out His soul in death.
Thus was man's emancipation,
  Pardon and salvation won
Through the deep humiliation
  Of God's Own
    Incarnate Son.

Ponder, O my soul, with wonder
  On the gloomy cavity
And that weighty stone whereunder
  Lay The Lord of Life for thee.
Join with joy the jubilation
  Of the ransomed
    in that Hymn
Which ascribes
    the world's salvation
  And redemption "unto Him."

                 - - - - -
Passing sweet to the reflections Of the souls redeemed above Are the many recollections Of God's covenant of Love, Praise for perfected salvation Through Immanuel alone Animates their adoration And their song before the throne. He, to Whom His base detractors And tormentors owed their breath, Hung between two malefactors, Breathed out His soul in death. Thus was man's emancipation, Pardon and salvation won Through the deep humiliation Of God's Own Incarnate Son. See the Law by sinners broken To the utmost satisfied, When, in token, Christ had spoken, "It is finished!" and died! To restore man's lost perfection, And to disannul his doom, He Who is The Resurrection Condescended to the tomb.
tr. 1900 George Richard Gould Pughe 1831-1917

Sweet to think upon the cov'nant
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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