Bendigedig fyddo'r Iesu

Bendigedig fyddo'r Iesu
Yr Hwn sydd yn ein caru
Ein galw o'r byd a'n prynu
Ac yn ei waed ein golchi
  Yn eiddo iddo'i Hun.

    Haleliwia, Haleliwia!
    Moliant iddo byth, Amen.
    Haleliwia, Haleliwia!
    Moliant iddo byth, Amen.

Bendigedig fyddo'r Iesu:
Caiff pawb sydd ynddo'n credu,
Drwy fedydd, ei gydgladdu
Ag ef, a'i gydgyfodi
  Mewn bywyd byth yn un.

Bendigedig fyddo'r Iesu
Fe welir ei Ddyweddi
Heb un brycheuyn arni
Yn lân fel y goleuni
  Ar ddelw Mab y Dyn.
J Spinther James (Spinther) 1837-1914

Tôn: Mawlgan (John Henry Roberts 1848-1924)

Blessed be Jesus
The One who loves us
Calls us from the world and ransoms us
And in his blood we are washed
  Belonging to Him himself.

    Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
    Praise to him forever, Amen.
    Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
    Praise to him forever, Amen.

Blessed be Jesus:
Everyone who believes in him obtains,
Through baptism, his joint-burial
With him, and his joint-resurrection,
  Into life forever the same.

Blessed be Jesus
His Betrothed is seen
Without one blemish on her
As pure as the light
  In the image of the Son of Man.
tr. 2007 Richard B Gillion
All the blessing be to Jesus
For he it is who loves us
From sin he calls and ransoms
And by his blood he cleanses
  Now we are his alone.

    Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
    Endless praise to him, Amen.
    Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
    Endless praise to him, Amen.

All the blessing be to Jesus:
The world to faith he welcomes
Into his death baptises
His resurrection joins us
  To his unchanging life.

All the blessing be to Jesus
His bride is revealed to us
Without one single blemish
As pure as ever light is
  The image of her Lord.
tr. 2007 Richard B Gillion

Tune: Mawlgan (John Henry Roberts 1848-1924)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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