B'le trof, b'le'r af, wael euog ddyn, O Dduw, ond atat ti dy hun? 'Rwyf wedi penderfynu'n lān, Os marw, marw o dy flaen. Y mae teyrnwialen auraidd gras Yn estynedig eto'i maes; Arwydd i ddyn, mai 'wyllys Duw Yw maddeu'i fai, a'i gadw'n fyw. Os derfydd byth am danaf fi, Wrth ddrws trugaredd bydd fy nghri; Os marw wnaf, caiff hyny fod Lle na bu farw neb erioed.Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841 [Mesur: MH 8888] |
Where shall I turn, where shall I go, a poor, guilty man, O God, but unto thee thyself? I have completely decided, If I die, I die before thee. The golden sceptre of grace is Extended forth still; A sign to man, that the will of God Is to forgive his fault, and keep him alive. If it be all over for me, At the door of mercy shall be my cry; If die I shall, this shall get to be Where none every died.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |