Bro'r goleuni Salem nefol

Light's abode celestial Salem / Ierusalem luminosa

Bro'r goleuni, Salem nefol,
  Dinas pur dangnefedd Duw,
Tecach na dychymyg dynol,
  Trigfan Iesu'r Brenin yw;
Mor ardderchog ydyw'r moliant
  Ynot ti sy'n bythol fyw!

Yno clywir yn oes oesoedd
  Alelwia'r dorf ddi-di';
Dydd diddarfod o hyfrydwch
  Ydyw gŵyl ein Harglwydd ni;
Sanctaidd oll a phur yw'r cyfan
  Sydd o fewn dy furiau di.

Nid oes yno gysgod cwmwl
  I dywyllu'r wybren glir;
Llewyrch disglair Haul yr heuliau
  Yw goleuni'r nefol dir;
Ni ddaw yno nos na blinder,
  Chwaith na phryder byth na chur.

O mor ogoneddus fyddi,
  Eiddil gorff, yn nhŷ dy Dad,
Yn dy wisg o lân brydferthwch -
  Byw yn hoen yr hyfryd wlad!
Pob dedwyddwch brofir yno,
  A thragwyddol ei barhad.

Weithian dwg dy faich yn llawen,
  Bydd yn wrol ar dy daith,
Cei ad-daliad yn dragywdd
  Am dy holl flinderau maith;
Mewn gogoniant digymylau,
  Mwyn fydd seinio'r
      nefol iaith.

Clod a mawl i'r Tad dyrchafer,
  Clod a mawl i'w Fab ei hun,
Clod a mawl i'r Sanctaidd Ysbryd,
  Bythol Dri, a bythol Un -
Cyd-sylweddol, cyd-dragwyddol,
  Trwy'r holl oesoedd yn gytûn.
cyf. Arthur Simon Thomas (Anellydd) 1865-1935

Tonau [878787]:
Lingwood (C Armstrong Gibbs 1889-1960)
Regent Square (Henry Smart 1813-79)
  Rex Sanctorum Angelorum (Graduale Sarisburiense)

The vale of light, heavenly Jerusalem,
  The pure city of God's peace,
Fairer than human imagination,
  The dwelling of Jesus the King it is.
How excellent is the praise
  That lives in thee forever!

There is heard forever and ever
  The Alleluia of the unnumbered throng;
The unending day of delight
  Is the festival of our Lord;
All sacred and pure is the entirety
  That is within thy walls.

No shadow of any cloud is there
  To darken the clear sky;
The radiant gleam of the Sun of suns
  Is the light of the heavenly land;
Neither night nor weariness shall come,
  Nor worry either nor pain.

O how glorious shalt thou be,
  Feeble body, in thy Father's house,
In thy clothing of holy beauty -
  Living sprightly in a delightful land!
Every happiness is to be experienced there,
  And an enduring eternity.

Henceforth take my arm joyfully,
  Be brave on thy journey,
Thou shalt get repayment in eternity
  For all thy vast griefs;
In an unclouded glory,
  Tender shall be the sound
      of the heaven language.

Acclaim and praise to the Father be raised,
  Acclaim and praise to the Son himself,
Acclaim and praise to the Sacred Spirit,
  Forever Three, and forever One -
Co-substantial, co-eternal,
  Throughout all the ages in agreement.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
Light's abode, celestial Salem,
  Vision dear, whence peace hath spring
Brighter than the heart can fancy,
  Mansion of the Highest King;
O how glorious are the praises
  Which of thee the prophets sing!

There for ever and for ever
  Alleluia is outpour'd:
For unending, for unbroken,
  Is the feast-day of the Lord;
All is pure, and all is holy
  That within thy walls is stor'd.

There no cloud or passing vapour
  Dims the brightness of the air;
Endless noon-day, glorious noon-day
  From the Sun of suns is there;
There no night brings rest from labour,
  There unknown are toil and care.

O how glorious and resplendent,
  Fragile body, shalt thou be,
When endued with so much beauty,
  Full of health, and strong, and free,
Full of vigour, full of pleasure
  That shall last eternally!

Now with gladness, now with courage,
  Bear the burden on thee laid,
That hereafter these thy labours
  May with endless gifts be paid:
And in everlasting glory
  Thou with joy may'st
      be array'd.

Laud and honour to the Father;
  Laud and honour to the Son;
Laud and honour to the Spirit;
  Ever Three and ever One:
Consubstantial, Co-eternal,
  While unending Ages run.
1856 John M Neale 1818-66

from the Latin
Ierusalem Luminosa

attr. Thomas à Kempis 1379-1471

Tune [878787]: Regent Square (Henry Smart 1813-79)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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