Bendigaid f'o'r trag'wyddol Dduw

Blest be the everlasting God

(Gobaith am y Nefoedd trwy Adgyfodiad Crist,
I Pedr 1.3,4,5.)
Bendigaid f'o'r trag'wyddol Dduw,
Tad Iesu'n Harglwydd anwyl yw;
  Boed i'w fawrhydi glod a bri,
  Am ei drugaredd fawr in i.

Ei Fab o'r Bedd pan gododd ef,
A'i alw atto fynu i'r nef,
  Rhoes i ni fywiol obaith gwiw
  Y bydd i'n henaid byth gael byw.

Er gorfydd am ei lygredd mawr,
I'n cnawd ni weled llwch y llawr,
  Ond fel y cododd Crist o'u bla'n,
  Felly gwna'i holl ganlynwyr glān.

Mae etifeddiaeth nefol rydd
Ynghadw erbyn del y Dydd;
  Di-lwgwr a di-halog stād,
  Ni threulir byth
      o'r fath tref tād.

Y Saint a gedwir
    trwy nerth Duw,
Ne's del eu hiechydwriaeth gwiw;
  Wrth ffydd ymdeithio'r y'm,
      tryw'r byd,
  Ne's galwo Crist ni adre' i gyd.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Hope for Heaven through the Resurrection of Christ
I Peter 1:3,4,5.)
Blessed be the eternal God,
The Father of Jesus our beloved Lord he is;
  To his majesty be esteem and acclaim,
  For his great mercy to us.

His Son from the grave when he arose,
And his call to him up to heaven,
  Gave to us a worthy, lively hope
  That our soul will get forever to live.

Although because of its great corruption,
Our flesh must see the dust of the earth,
  But as Christ rose before us,
  Thus shall do all his holy followers.

The heritage of a heavenly gift is
Kept against the coming of the Day;
  An incorruptible and undefiled estate,
  That shall never wear out,
      of the kind of a father's home.

The saints shall be kept
    through the strength of God,
Until their worthy salvation shall come;
  By faith travelling we are,
      through the world,
  Until Christ calls us all home.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Hope of heaven by the resurrection of Christ)
Blest be the everlasting God,
  The Father of our Lord;
Be His abounding mercy praised,
  His majesty adored.

When from the dead He raised His Son,
  And called Him to the sky,
He gave our souls a lively hope
  That they should never die.

What though our inbred sins require
  Our flesh to see the dust,
Yet as the Lord our Saviour rose,
  So all His followers must.

There’s an inheritance divine
  Reserved against that day;
'Tis uncorrupted,
  And cannot waste away.

Saints by the power
    of God are kept
  Till the salvation come;
We walk by faith
    as strangers here,
  Till Christ shall call us home.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Bishopthorpe (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)
Nativity (Henry Lahee 1824-1912)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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